Emissive lighting not affecting environment

Since this morning lighting in all of my games has broken between the editor and in-game. In the editor, emissive lighting affects the environment, but in game it does not. I am using the same graphics settings on both.

@BrendannnD Thank you for your report! We would like to look into this further, would you be able to submit a bug report using the form available here: Fortnite Creative

I submitted a bug report.

Did you double check that Lumen and Global Illumation are enabled inside your Fortnite settings ? :man_shrugging:

Hey, I checked that this morning and that was the issue. I wonder if it’s intentional that emissive lighting doesn’t affect the environment without it though.

Yes because you basically needed to manually bake the lights before lumen, that’s why it’s so insane now :smiley:

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