Some strange things are happening to my map. Within the editor, post process effects are visible but when I test play the level effects like emissive materials, bloom and lens flare do not render. I have searched through the forum for similar experiences and attempted to make suggested adjustments to the settings throughout to no avail.
I am also having a problem where shadows from meshes are not being baked onto the the lightmaps for my walls as well as other meshes. At this time, I have not gone through the entire level to see what all is not working properly but right away I can see that the walls are not behaving.
I tested a particular wall in a new level and it did what it should. I am starting to wonder if there is something wrong with the map at a high level or perhaps something that I have inadvertently clicked on… like the “make render terribly” checkbox. Any thoughts are welcome. Thank you.
Make sure that the scalability settings are high enough, if it’s turned down then certain rendering features won’t work. Also, as far as post process effects go, make sure your post process volume is big enough or set it to Unbound which will have it affect the entire level.
Those are good suggestions and I wish those were the problem.
In regard to the Post Process Volume, this is what I have tried:
Engine Scalability Settings set to Epic
PPV is big enough to encompass the entire level. Also tried unbounded.
Deleted PPV and placed a new one.
Ensured the Camera Post Process Settings are not overriding level settings.
PPV Priority and Blend Weight set to 1 just in case. There is only 1 PPV.
Pretty sure I have tried more than that but I’m at a loss for the moment. Also, the PPV shows that it is working in some aspects like White Balance and Auto Exposure but not with Lens Flares or Bloom.