No worries Unfortunately, I have no clear way of reproducing the issue so I can’t say whether it’s a certain BP or else causing it. I’m on 4.25.4 and I have 2.6 version of the plugin. My config is pretty much default, the only thing I’ve changed was the Bubbles Style section (please see attachment)
I’ll create an issue once I’ll have more or less certain way of reproducing it and will provide any additional info.
@Roland_Price Well I also came to the conclusion that it comes from the “Bubble Display Rule” set to “Display on Selection”, but I could not reproduce either …
If you have more information, that could be great! In the meantime, I’ll add some more checks to prevent crashing in the next version of the plugin
Click “install to Engine” from Epic Games Launcher to install it to 4.26, nothing happens. Copy the plugin folder into 4.26, popup a failure message window. Is there a manual way to install the plugin to 4.26? Really love this plugin, couldn’t read Blueprint without it.
Hey @dejavu2o2o! Well, I admit I’m having the same problem (can’t install the 4.26 version)… I think it has more to do with the Epic Games Launcher than with Electronic Nodes. I’m going to ask the marketplace team about it.
@HyalineV Oh, sorry for that… Hum, I just checked and I see no particular problem with UMG Widget blueprint :/.
Could you give the version of the plugin (that can be found under Edit/Plugins) and the version of the engine? It should be 2.8 as for UE4.26 for example.
Also, to be sure we’re on the same page, “UMG Widget Blueprint” is the Graph tab of a User Widget asset?
Thank you for fast response. What I am using plugins are just two. one is Electronic Nodes, and the other one is Global Event Handler for UE4. I will test to remove the other one, in several hours. If something changed, I will tell you:)
I unselected GlobalEventHandler for UE4. But problem does not changed.
And, I found one more strange thing: some widet blueprint, that is not created new - that means old one - is applied with electronic nodes. some User Widget asset is ok, and some is not. I have 28 User Widget assets, And 11 User Widget assets have problem.
If you need my project as sample, I can send it. Please tell me if you want.
I’m considering to test migrating assets to new empty project.
Edit: Migrating does not repair problem. In my test, if I copy everything from old User Widget asset and paste into new User Widget asset, then nodes are displayed as electronic nodes normally. So I decided to copy and paste everything from old User Widget to new created User Widget.
Copy and paste does not always solve the problem. when I copy and paste graph of function within old User Widget asset to new User Widget asset, new pasted graph does not affected by Electronic Nodes.
It means… In same one new User Widget asset, Event Graph is affected by Electronic Nodes Plugin normally, but Function Graph is not affected by Electronic Nodes Plugin. Maybe There are some different type or something in User Widget asset package system in Unreal Engine, by unit of function or similar element unit. And that maybe makes difference whether affected or not by Electronic Nodes?
In folder “ElectronicNodeBugReproduceSample”, There are two User Widet assets.
“SampleA” is what I migrated from my project directly. This shows problem in both Event Graph and its Functions. (Note: To make sample small size, I deleted some nodes to break references.)
“SampleB” is made in these actions: I create new User Widget Blueprint,
“SampleB” was made by these: I create new User Widget Blueprint asset, then I copy and paste nodes from the my other User Widget asset. As you see, the Event Graph is affected by Electronic node normally, But Function is not affected.
In my thought, you can open this project without problem. I’ve removed as much as possible what I thought would be a problem to opening this project. (Korean font, useless assets and references…) But if there is problem to open this project, please tell me.
And I checked if the problem reproduces on my second PC. I think you can see the problem through this project file too.
@HyalineV Okay, so apparently, one is considered a “EdGraphSchema_K2” and the other is a “WidgetGraphSchema”. I don’t really know why, but anyway, it’s easily fixable (and already fixed), I’ll send an update next week
Thanks again for everything, you made it very easy for me to find it out with your sample project !