Electrician System

Hey there everyone, I’ve been on and off working on a proof of concept for an electrician system that would allow a user to easily set up devices like TVs, lights and other power-reliant utilities complete with interactive cables running to place-able power outlets for things like arch-viz projects, as well as a generator system similar to what you’d see in Fallout 4, where a player could place items dependent on power out in the world, and then create a generator that has an extendable cable that would supply power to those items.

The idea would be to make editor placement super easy by allowing object snapping and reliance assignments, as well as providing examples for logic for a player to do the same thing in-game. You could use this system to set up lighting in a level that has particular lights assigned to particular switches, as seen in this video:

Is this something that would interest anyone?

Here’s a quick gif that showcases the placement behavior, showing a preview of the object so that you’ll know where it’ll place, and how it’ll align itself.

I do not know How I missed this but I did.

Would it be possible to add a power sources? IE Generators for example?

I like the idea, but it seems like something that would be rather easy to implement oneself using blueprints. Just store all compatible devices in a radius in a list inside the switch, then for each, fire a bp interface event. The part that excites me most would be the real-time aspect of it, if it would work similar to the cable system in Fallout 4. With range highlighting, physical cables, energy production/usage levels, that makes for a lot of work and blueprints, so I think you should focus on that. I could be wrong though, because I have little knowledge of how the Archviz world works, and this could prove popular there. :slight_smile:

Definitely would be, and would likely be a key feature. :slight_smile:

Thanks for your feedback, I’ll likely be shifting my focus towards that aspect of it, as it would likely be a bit more popular.
