Efficient Way to Draw to RenderTarget?

I’m looking for a solution to drawing lines, boxes, and text to a render target accessible to an actor in an efficient manner. So far the best option seems to be overriding the NativePaint() function in a class deriving from UUserWidget, then assigning the UserWidget to a WidgetComponent within an actor, then getting the render target. I don’t like this, because it seems to have unnecessary steps (ie: I don’t need the widget rendered to the widget component, and I end up trying to hide it by scaling it down) and seems inefficient.

These drawing operations aren’t predictable, I can’t just set everything up in UMG with text boxes, borders, and textures. I need to be able to draw on a canvas based in an unpredictable manner but based on specific criteria (eg: draw a line from (x,y) to (x,y) with some thickness)

drawmaterialtorendertarget is what ur searching for.

if u are using a canvasrendertarget2d u can use begindrawcanvastorendertarget and then call drawline etc from a canvas. dont forget to call enddrawcanvastorendertarget.

it might be hard then ro use the rendertarget. a good method is to use the rendertarget as texturesample inside a material and then use the material