Editor Toolbar button?

Hello folks,
I am currently trying to program a Toolbar button but for the blueprint editor only. So my current way shown below adds the button to the level editor toolbar but I want the button to be in the blueprint editor toolbar. What do I need to change “LevelEditor.LevelEditorToolBar.PlayToolBar” to for this to work?

void FBAS_BPToCPPModule::RegisterMenus()
	// Owner will be used for cleanup in call to UToolMenus::UnregisterOwner
	FToolMenuOwnerScoped OwnerScoped(this);

		UToolMenu* Menu = UToolMenus::Get()->ExtendMenu("LevelEditor.MainMenu.Window");
			FToolMenuSection& Section = Menu->FindOrAddSection("WindowLayout");
			Section.AddMenuEntryWithCommandList(FBAS_BPToCPPCommands::Get().OpenPluginWindow, PluginCommands);

		UToolMenu* ToolbarMenu = UToolMenus::Get()->ExtendMenu("LevelEditor.LevelEditorToolBar.PlayToolBar");
			FToolMenuSection& Section = ToolbarMenu->FindOrAddSection("Settings");
				FToolMenuEntry& Entry = Section.AddEntry(FToolMenuEntry::InitToolBarButton(FBAS_BPToCPPCommands::Get().OpenPluginWindow));

same question

Hey, I know the solution, it’s pretty simple! :+1:

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