Ranting aside; the latest version of the engine seems to not want to show variables I create in cpp code in the blueprint’s Details pannel. I have to close the entire program and reopen the project for the changes to update.
For example, inside InteractableObject.h I have this structure:
... FInteractableConfig define here ...
class PROJECT_API AInteractableObject : public AStaticMeshActor
// ----------------------- Properties -------------- \\
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "InteractableObject")
FInteractableConfig Config;
When I added ‘SnapMethod’ the field wouldnt show in the blueprint’s view. I had to close/reopen the project for it to appear. I couldnt even access it via a break on the structure.
Same happened later when I added ‘GrabSnapHandPositionOffset’.
Perhaps theres something I’m not doing correctly, but I cant figure out since the logic workflow seems pretty obvious : write code, compile, edit stuff in the blueprints.
I applied the fixes you suggest and they fixed the serialization issue I had, but not the initial problem. I still need to fully close/ reopen the project for new variables to show.
#include "Engine/DataTable.h"
At least now, the changes I make to the struct in the Blueprint are saved when I close/reopen Unreal4 :")
On the side note; I remade the entire project with 4.22 and made InteractableObject inherit from UStaticMeshComponent.
It now looks like this:
Is the above code located inside a plugin or inside your project’s source code? Have you tried deleting the binaries and intermediate folders and rebuilding your project?
Inside my project’s source code.
“PROJECT\Source\PROJECT\VR\InteractableObject”. I used the “New c++ Class” button within Unreal4.
I made a new clean project, this didnt fix it.
Then I deleted the binaries & intermediate folders (of this new project), still didnt fix it.
Editing my previous answer : the serialization issue is still here, it didnt go.
Any time I add/remove or edit the type of a variable in the structure, it resets the value of all the variables of the struct, everywhere in my project, the ones I did not change included. This only shows after closing/reopening the project \o/