Editor Menu Modification Plugin

Hello! First of all, I have to admit that I’m a beginner in c++. I’m trying to make a plugin that adds an entry on the context menu of a variable in “MyBlueprint” tab. I succefully created it in the context menu of variable node, using “GraphEditor.GraphNodeContextMenu.K2Node_VariableGet” anchor (found with ToolMenu.Edit console command), but there is not anchor for the menu of MyBlueprint variable :confused: (or maby there is one but not shown with the console command?).

Does anyone know if this is possible and, if so, have any tips that could help me?

Thanks in advance.


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The first context menu you’ve showed is created by SMyBlueprint::OnContextMenuOpening. Specifically by the FMenuBuilder MenuBuilder inside that function.

To add something to that menu you would need to add it to the list before the MakeWidget() function is called on that object.

Usually there is some delegate broadcasted for you to hook into, but based on what I can see in the source in 5.3.2 there is nothing you can bind to extend this specific menu.

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Oh ok, that’s what I though unfortunately. Thanks for your answer!

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