Editor crashing after changes in macro within MacroLibrary

I use ABP based Macro library.
There is a macro used for tracing IK - I use it in several ABPs.
But crash is caused only when I try to open Character derived BP (not ABP itself) of certain BP (other derived from the same class works fine).
In such setup I am certain that I would not succeed in recreating this bug in new empty project (as I tried with other bugs without any succes) so I’ll just try to report this as it is.
The same situation appears in 4.14.0

Below are Macros in both versions:

Not Crashing:


Logs etc:
[link text][3]

Might be a similar problem: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/524033/macros-are-completely-broken-in-414.html

Maybe related, but not the same. Good to know that something is wrong in 4.14.