create landscape (I created mine using heightmap),
apply material to the landscape with any number of layers,
go to Landscape tab and into the Paint mode,
try adding layer info to any available layer
If I disable “Support Stationary Skylight” shader permutations option in the Rendering settings of the Project settings, I get no crash, but I also get no dynamic skylight.
There is no issues with using deferred renderer, but I am working on VR project and forward rendering is what I need to use.
I don’t have whole call stack handy right now (at work), but when Editor crashed I used “send and restart” button in the crash log window (I assume it was sent to Epic, and I did it 3-4 times in a row, if not more).
Thank you for reporting this issue and providing a callstack. I was able to reproduce the crash and I have created a JIRA for it which you can track here:
If you have any questions or additional information please feel free to let us know.
Hi, is there a JIRA ticket to follow? I’m exeriencing this crash (actually it just freezes when I create the Layer Info and I have to force quit the application). Not entirelly sure how to get the call stack though