Am I the only one who think it’s a bug ?
What I have
I have 2 Actor classes Actor1, Actor2. Created Blueprint versions of those BP_Actor1, BP_Actor2.
Put BP_Actor2 as a child comp to BP_Actor1. Run in debug mode, Editor crash.
In both classes I’ve the same identifier for USceneComponent* SceneComp;
Creating in constructor like this
// Constructor in Actor1
SceneComponent = CreateDefaultSubobject< USceneComponent >( TEXT( "Scene Actor1" ) );
RootComponent = SceneComponent;
// Constructor in Actor2
SceneComponent = CreateDefaultSubobject< USceneComponent >( TEXT( "Scene Actor2" ) );
RootComponent = SceneComponent;
What is working
If I rename USceneComponent for lets say Actor1 to USceneComponet* SceneCompActor2;
everything is working as excepted.
Seems like unreal USceneComponent don’t know how to parent ? Does it make sense two different Actors classes can’t have the same property name ?