Editing default binding of vive tracker issue

Hi, I have two question about the following documentation that I am using to setup the input system of SteamVR (Vive tracker)

First is that I don’t understand well the first step "( set the console variable vr.SteamVR.EnableVRInput to 1 " because when I create my project I don’t have ConsoleVariables.ini file, I don’t even have the Engine directory as it says in the documentation.

So the first question is that how should I do this step?

My second question which is more annoying and I wasn’t able to find a solution is that in the step that I need to edit the current binding(picture below)

My problem is that when I select the vive tracker in section Current Controller, I won’t be able to edit its binding because the Edit button is not working. (picture below)

I appreciate you help,
Thanks a lot.

That guide seems to be outdated, there is no longer any console variable that needs to be set.

The Use part of this guide should be more up to date, although the toolbar button is disabled by default. You can enable it in the Project settings under Plugins → SteamVR