@editable Categories Macro does not work in Verse Devices, ONLY NPC Behavior

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Simple as the title.
When creating an NPC Behavior Verse Class and placing it in the editor you can see that any @editable data members with the Categories macro are correctly organized in their respective Category. There is no documentation on this as far as I know, yet it is seen in the NPC behavior basic example scripts provided by UEFN/Epic.

However, if using @editable’s with that same Category macro in a Verse device with the same category system, the editor completely ignores any and all categories.

Steps to Reproduce

my_categories := module:

    CategoryA<public><localizes>:message = "A"
    CategoryB<public><localizes>:message = "B"

# NPC Behavior
my_npc_behavior := class(npc_behavior):

        Categories:=array{my_categories.CategoryA} # Does Show
    MyNumber : int = 1

# Verse Device
my_verse_device := class(creative_device):

        Categories:=array{my_categories.CategoryA} # ! Does NOT Show
    MyNumber : int = 1

Expected Result

Categories should be neatly organized just like they are in NPC Behavior.

Observed Result

Categories are omitted.



The status of FORT-766059 incident has been moved from ‘To Do’ to ‘In Progress’.