Early adopters?

It says current Unreal engine is for early adopters which is fair enough.

Just wondered when do you think it would be for late adopters? Should they wait until Unreal 5 maybe? What sort of time scale is that? In terms of months or years?

I appreciate that things are always changing. So you might not know.

Also, would the price go up when it is no longer for early adopters?

Just wondering. :slight_smile:

If I were to guess probably 3 - 6 months before itā€™s well on itā€™s way and most of the rough edges are sanded down. Itā€™s pretty stable as is to be honest, great time to get used to the product.

is only my opinion, but i began learn the engine in april (i had some basis but had not do things since a long time so it was like a new start)
I can begin to say that i have learn enough to be able to do basic fun things (mainly by all the great help and tutorial you can find on forum and youtube)
Now, sometimes i am pleased to begin to can help newcomers on basic things too.
I am 40+ so maybe a younger people would have do faster ok, (the one who thought, no just less idiot will burn in hell for the eternity (or pay me a beerā€¦) ) but i needed all time to begin to be able.

But i havenā€™t yet got the time to check, learn and really know how to use all the new updates (i mean really knowing : being able to think at it when you need and use it immediatly without searching, not just had a look once ^^) and i got all of them.
Go check the list of all they added in each updates : I discovered yesterday there was a new basic template because someone was searching on forum for it and i kept time to search too.

Why long and useless old boring talk ? Because after all that i think that if you wait 6 months before joining and beginning using the engine and start to learn, itā€™ll need 6 more months considering all the other things they plan to add.

In my humble opinion, if you really want to do games and you decide to use unreal engine, the sooner is the better. there is a hundred of funny things to discover.

About the price, i am sure epic will changes nothing. there is no reason. (maybe i am wrong ^^)

"I am 40+ "
You are a mere babe! Iā€™ve got that beat by 10+ years. Heck with all these young whipper-snappers. You ever hear of the ā€œThe Walker Raceā€ game. Well. You will. Oh yes, you will. It will be like Forza for old people. Soon as I can figure out all these buttons and knobs and thing-a-ma-jigs. :wink: And, I do agree with you. Always start now. Not later. Tech donā€™t slow down for nobody.

Wooooot ! I am a baby !!! \O/ :cool:

I agree that being an early adopter is a good idea.

Game developers who adopt an engine early are the most likely to have their games seen as being on the ā€œcutting edgeā€ when they publish, which can have considerable market advantages if done properly.

Yeah, I am also 40+. We have the money, but not the time. :slight_smile:

I say, get in now. Any problems you have with the changes in code will teach you things about how the engine works. We learn from our mistakes, and Iā€™m learning loads!

I think it is ready right now if you are doing a dekstop 3D game. Mobile reportedly still got some problems and 2D is also in the early stages. Anyway, unless you are a super experienced game developer you will need lots of time to learn UE4, so no reason to wait!

Iā€™m quite sure the price will not change in the foreseeable future.

To give a more official answer, we will be announcing when it is no longer in the ā€œEarly Adoptionā€ phase once we have all of the major features in the Editor that we have planned (Sequencer, Paper 2D, UMG, etc). Be looking out for that update on our official blog on the unrealengine.com page. That timeline is currently unknown, but with every update, we make massive strides to reaching that goal. As it stands, the editor is capable of creating just about anything you want. Plus there is source code access, so you can add in features as you see fit.

Let me know if you have any more questions, or PM me if youā€™d like.

The price will never change for the monthly subscription. We are very adamant about that.

Hi thanks for that reply. It sounds like there is lots of good stuff to go in the engine which is great! I hope it doesnā€™t succumb to ā€œfeature creepā€ though. You know, ā€œNow that weā€™ve done these thingsā€¦ we might as well put in these 20 more things before we polish it to completion!ā€ I think itā€™s great though. Considering how much the engine used to cost!

I like to be an early adopter too. So I can post all my amazing ideas for the engine in forum!

I highly doubt weā€™ll see Unreal Engine 5 anytime even remotely soon. Unreal Engine 4 was built with future-proofing in mind and is targeted at next-gen platforms including Xbox One and PS4. I think thereā€™s a misconception with the release numbers such as ā€˜4.3ā€™, ā€˜4.4ā€™ and so forth.

I would expect the pricing structure will stay the same, as well. For the price, thereā€™s really no downside to diving in now! :wink:

So what happens after they get to Unreal 4.9? Will it go to 4.10 or 4.91 then 4.999993 or are we using the hexadecimal system so it will go 4.9 4.A 4.B ā€¦ 4.F. I need to know!! :eek:

The next version after 4.9 will be 4.10, then 4.11. See http://semver.org/ for details on how versions work.

Well if your a developer your always an early adopter anyways. :wink:

Early adopter in case, and in my opinion, is the need to supply a working version of the engine and get it out to those who were on hold with their current projects and being able to scale along with the engine frame work as more and more features comes on line.

In other words, lets call it UE4-sub, is all about getting out what is needed and then cater to what a given project wants based on feedback. Itā€™s a brilliant approach considering that if we all wait for the late adopters approach it might very well be years and UE5 we will all be waiting for. :wink:

As to a good guess as to the future as to what late adopters will get once the dust settles is free access to the Unreal <whatever> engine with out the subscription requirement and only the 5% royalty fee requirement and the only reason I see at the moment why they donā€™t do is the shear amount of bandwidth traffic must be MASIVE to the point that Epic would go bankrupt giving away free stuff. :smiley:

If one wants to wait I would give it a year but then you would be a year behind. :wink:

I really dont think there will ever be a free version, as itā€™s been stated a couple of times before that subscription system will not change.

I never said that the subscription model would disappear but rather access to the development tools necessary to make a game will become more accessible. What suggests is you can subscribe, download the development tools aka Unreal 4, and then unsubscribe and make your game on what ever version of the engine you have in hand. Once you publish you then pay the 5% so for the initial costs your only out of pocket the original subscription and considering all costs it might as well have been free.

Once again an opinion I donā€™t see subscription the price one has to pay for access to the development tools necessary just to have access to Unreal 4 but rather the price paid for continued support from Epic as to direct information as to the use of the tools provided as well as to have access to that popup that tells you when new information or content and assets are made available to thous that have a subscription.

As part of a development team as well as an early adopter there is no question in my mind that support from an engine developer like Epic is far more valuable over and above access to the development tools and if it only costs, and continue to cost 19 bucks a month thatā€™s dirt cheap.

Will the users be able to unsubscribe and keep the engine after ,,Early Adoption Phase'' is over or they would loose access to it ?

Same rules will apply after the early adoption phase. (keep the engine versions youā€™ve subscribed for)

Modern adopters are much better than the old ones and have been improving with the passage of time. Totally agree that old adopters time is over and they have lost access.

I am using the engine now from about 3 months I think, and I did not even know I am an ā€œearly adopterā€. Frankly, I was not used any Unreal engines before, so I am a totally noob. So in 3 months Iā€™ve learn a lot and Iā€™ve discovered a lot of things, and I am close to have a working game soon. (Working game, not ready for release or something like that).

I would personally suggest you to start using the engine from now, even is for ā€œearly adoptersā€, because you will have a lot to learn about it.