Dynamically created mesh and diffuse lighting

Hello, dear friends! My name’s Victor. Could you help me, please?

I built UE4-project wich generates some planes (5 planes: 4 walls and floor; using Proc Mesh Box class) at runtime and loads materials for each of them. Usually these materials is tilings, for example:

    1. texture; 2) normals; 3) metallic; 4) roughness.

As you can see this tile has metallized borders and fields within.

I also add one or two point lights into this dynamically created scene (5 planes) at runtime.
As a result I have so render:

The problem is:

I need to set a powerfull diffuse lighting to see metallic shine on these tiles not only where point linght are reflected.
I tried to do it with Sphere/Box Reflection Capture added at design time and I had next (good) result:

But as I understand these components are not dynamic: I can not set their position and brightness at runtime.

In short: what have I do to get a realistic diffuse lighting in dynamically created scene and to get a wide reflection field from metallized surfaces?

Thank you!

Metals don’t have any diffuse component. Metals only reflect light. Physical based rendering 101.

Ok, but may be it is possible to get diffuse backlighting from other (gray) walls? When I look to this tile in the real world I can see metallic shine on entire surface even if I’m in the room.

Metals need some kind of enviroment reflection. If you compose your scene dynamically then you need to fake things a bit.
First I would turn screen space reflections to max quality. As a back up I would also set one large sphere reflection that captures something distant or I would add Ambient cubemap. If everything else fails I would fake specular reflections for metals at material level.
Material reflections are output to emissive channel. Try something like this. Sample from cubemap with reflection vector multiple with fresnell(BaseReflectFrctionIn = lerp(0.04, baseColor, metalness).)

Hey, I’m new using Unreal and I do not know how to add a ambiant cubemap. I can import an HDRI image in unreal but do not know how to use it to light the environement, could you give me some guides? I appreciate any sort of advice, thank you very much.

In post process volume you can find ambient cubemap settings.

Dear Jenny Gore, many thanks you! Your advice about Ambient cubemap helped me the most. This thing gives a very good effect!