I’m creating a bunch of new blueprint nodes for a plugin I’m developping.
Some of these nodes need to have a text box at the bottom, which I managed to do as you can see in this image:
Now, the idea is that these nodes have some details in the detail panel when you select them, like this text box you see in the picture. I would like to bind the text in the SRichTextBox of the node to this Text field in the details panel. Like, when the user commits a new text, it automatically updates the text in the box.
I’ve already overriden this method, indeed, but for another thing.
How should I act on the Slate-side of my node from the PostEditChangeProperty in my K2Node?
I think it’s only the Slate object which holds a pointer to the K2Node, and not the contrary.
And in the UBP_DialogBase node, I am returning a FText depending on the node properties. I will do all text parsing there in order to make full use of RichText widget.