I have a game which has a lot of level streaming that has forced me to use dynamic navmesh, as static navmesh seems to delete itself when used with level streaming.
I set up the navigation system for dynamic navmesh, but the navmesh is only generating within about 4000 units of the player character. This means any enemies outside that range don’t try to attack. As soon as the player is killed the navmesh builds on the whole level.
I’ve tried using navmesh invokers to only generate navmesh around the enemies, which works, but still only if they are within around 4000 units of the player. Again if the player character is destroyed the enemies will all generate navmesh around themselves no matter where they are.
I can’t seem to find any documentation, settings, code or anything that says navmesh is only supposed to generate within 4000 units of the player so what’s going on here?