Dynamic Multicast Delegate Not Being Called After Property Change

Hello everyone,

I have a bit of an issue with dynamic multicast delegates. I’m binding events to delegates during the Construct event in my widget. My events are getting triggered, but the moment I change a property in the Details panel during gameplay, my events aren’t getting triggered anymore.

Here’s the Blueprint where I bind my events to my delegates:

One thing that I think might be the issue is that I’m binding my events to delegates from one of the widget’s owner player pawn’s component. Maybe the component gets invalidated and reset after a property change in the Details panel. In that case, I’d have to rebind my events to the delegates. I tried to look for an event that might be triggered if that’s the case, but I haven’t found one.

I’ve put a UE_LOG call in my component’s PostEditChangeProperty override, and we can clearly see that the delegate isn’t bound after the first property change:

LogTemp: Warning: OnThoughtActivated bound: true
LogTemp: Warning: OnThoughtActivated bound: false

Any help would be very appreciated :slight_smile: