Dynamic Material Question

Anyone have a way to have a circle fill from center in a dynamic material? I have a material setup for a circular progress bar, but need another material that fills from center out based on alpha channel.

Like this?

Image from Gyazo


Yep! Haha. You using a radial gradient exp.?

Yep! Haha. You using a radial gradient

Almost, yeah:

so effin simple. thanks. Follow-up, any idea how to, when at 1 (100%), you can make it pulse? I have it set up in the widget to decrease or increase based on the alpha.

So what are we pulsating - something in the material or the widget itself? If it’s the widget element, it would make more sense to play a widget animation.

For something super simple this will pulsate the opacity of the image that has the material:

Image from Gyazo

And if you wanted to control it in the material:

Image from Gyazo

So now the only param you worry about is Radius, if radius is at max (.5) value, it pulsates.

Any way we can have 1 for the radius be the max? It’s being set in the HUD by my health, and so it pushes it past 0.5

just getting some weirdness from the gradient when not at full pulsing


Multiply it by .5 in the material or widget. Or MapRange for more fidelity.

I might’ve screwed up that MinVisiblity bit. Would have been cool had I tested it first… Will look at it tomorrow.

Yeah, my bad, sorry:

noice! thanks a million!