Dynamic material instance parameter on post process material not staying unique to the instance? Or Post Process Component only allowing last constructed component to be visible at a time?

Apologies if the phrasing of the title is confusing, this issue is somewhat perplexing to understand exactly is causing it.

To start, I followed this thread at first to get a base for my post process effect.

What I want though, is to be able to place multiple actors around the level that will create a local darkness effect based on the position of the actor.

From this video, you can see the main issue I am facing.

In the construction script, I am setting a Post Process Component’s material to be a dynamic material instance of my darkness material. Next, I set the specific parameters for that volume. The issue, is that despite every dynamic instance having its own parameter, only one post process component can be seen at any given time(the last one constructed).

What on earth is stopping this from working? How could we go about making this work?

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In the PP mat



THANK YOU! This is exactly what I needed to know. Looks like I need to look into what exactly “Blendables” are so this doesn’t happen to me again in the future.

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Sorry to bother you; by chance, would you have any idea how I could go about having separate actors/blueprints placed in a world with a radius that CUTS OUT from the bounds that this current actor’s post processing uses?

This video will help with context. I am trying to create a “light” that cuts out the “dark” that my first post process material creates.

My current plan was to try to change the order of the rendering, so that the “light” is rendered after the “dark”, and will return the normal scene data inside it’s own bounds. The issue is, PostProcess0 now shows the “dark” as part of the normal scene data, and can no longer be used to represent that.

I’ve tried a couple things, such as using “PostProcess1”, but that would always result in the “light” becoming “dark” and I couldn’t figure out why that was. I know that the material is setup in a way so that the “light” can show over the “dark” (I used the red to test that), but I just can’t use the postProcess0 and that is a huge problem. I also tried setting the light to be “After Tonemapping”, but that didn’t change anything either. I tried using stencils with hope, but I realize that they wouldn’t be useful for this sense I need the light to be affected like proximity. I did mess around with rendering the custom depth buffer and depth buffer, but the “dark” post processing doesn’t affect the custom depth buffer at all so that wasn’t particularly helpful here.

Light Post Process Material

Dark Post Process Material

Any ideas or insight here? I’m starting to get pretty lost on where to start digging. My next idea would be to try using meshes for the darkness instead, that way the “dark” can also affect the custom depth buffer and I could try doing it with stencils again. I’m not too hopeful with that idea though.

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No idea, I’m afraid :slight_smile:

You might be able to do something by going back to a single PP volume, and moving masks around. Not really my area :joy:


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