This was from two years ago so maybe it no longer applies but it says, “If you don’t want to have to do this, you can set your lights to “Movable” instead of static or stationary. Doing this will make them Dynamic lights, and will look the same both in game and in editor”, SO if that is no longer true, why and what do I need to do, to make so game and editor ARE the same ?
Also oddly, even tho I save before exiting to desktop, on loading project, the lighting in Area 1 of project as it was before I exited, ( set lighting as desired via Ctrl L) is flat , no shadowing at all.
Its infuriating when its not and ruins workflow.
4.24.3 world comp world, atm using sunSky components.
In the Lit dropdown in the Viewport window, there’s a checkbox called “Game Settings”. Try enabling or disabling it to see if it makes editor and in-game the same.
Nothing works sorry , I tried on /off on game settings , still doesnt’ look at all in editor as in game, will the values there matter at all, I mean the light changes drastically given value.
What about ‘game view’ further to left, that says exactly what I’m after, but on/off there too, nothing.
Ty for trying I’m good for other ideas, this issue alone I’ve lost countless time on wish it had a magic button :))))
Asking because I never get an answer that fixes it, lighting is the bane of nearly all our existence in ue4 it seems ack!@! ;)))
Dynamic always, bc my rig isn’t big enough to handle baking, n ot enough ram , not enough power YET, but I’m working on it, but honestly dynamic while worse on perf. isn’t half bad IF it would work :))
G does nothing , tried that over and over but a good suggestion, and on PILOT, no idea how or where to even start to do that.
I have one project , where its working, but I still haved no idea why which doens’t help, but lets me move forward easier. Going to try to figure out why its working.