Before we start, I remember that I am in Mobile Preview:
Basically in the scene I have:
-Dyrectional Light set to movable
-Sky Light set to movable
-Force No Precomputed Lighting = true
Basically, in the scene, every light is dynamic. I have no lightmaps and no static light.
In version 4.25 everything works as it should, the shadows are dynamic and appear correctly:
By upgrading the project to version 4.26 or 4.27, the shadows disappear:
I tried to create a new project, with an empty map, but it seems that the lights have to be rebuilt to be able to cast the shadows.
Without lightmap, in versions 4.26 and 4.27 nothing seems to work.
Dynamic Direction Light, Dynamic SkyLight: (4.27)
Dynamic Direction Light, Stationary SkyLight, built lights (4.27)
What could be the problem? some setting? I’m trying everything from the “Mobile Rendering” section to the scene settings.
I’m afraid my project may die at version 4.25