[DUPLICATE] "Down But Not Out Device" has not been working since ver.31.10.


“Down But Not Out Device” has not been working since ver.31.10.

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

The “Down But Not Out Device” setting is enabled in the down state, but it does not work.

Expected Result

When the player’s health is depleted, they should be in a downed state.

Observed Result

They are defeated without being downed.



Island Code


Can confirm it’s still very much broken.
You can use device’s stuff like Down() in Verse, but it ignores all custom settings in the Editor.

The other day, after several map restarts, I thought I fixed it, when I checked Invert Class Selection and Invert Team Selection in device settings in the Editor. I saved and closed everything, got back to UEFN in a few days, started the game and device is yet again ignores settings and doesn’t function as you want to, even with those “Invert” settings checked.

There’s something sketchy going on with initialization of device’s settings, I really hope Epic is going to notice that they did not actually fix the device in the 31.10 update.

Okay, I think I found workaround!

As a note: I do not use any classes, I have set Any in both Selected Class and Selected Team in DBNO device in the Editor.

  1. Check only Invert Team Selection in DBNO in the Editor.
  2. Make sure Invert Class Selection is UNSET.
  3. When you initialize your stuff at the beginning of the match in your Verse code, you have to Disable() and then Enable() your DBNO device:
# My object for initializing things in Verse is called "main".
main := class(creative_device):
    # Add your DBNO device through Editor or optionally find it with a tag, if you want to.
    @editable dbno_device : down_but_not_out_device = down_but_not_out_device{};


After that DBNO settings should work as expected. Hope this method will work the same for others.

P.S. I hope Disable() and Enable() will fire instantly 100% of the time, and we don’t have to put something like Sleep(1.0) between Disable() and Enable() after finding out that DBNO device initializes settings extremely slow for some reason (which is currently not the case) :smile:

This will be fixed in a future update. Closing to avoid more duplicate tickets.

Down but not out device does not respect revive time

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