Been doing some digging and was wondering if anyone had a easy solution to this.
I was wondering if it is possible to duplicate a level and a level sequencer and have it retain all the info about the level.
I have a complex level sequence, and i want to make a copy of it to make a version of the level that is slightly different, with matinee this was fairly simple to do as it was contained to that level, but since sequencer is not, each time i try to duplicate it, sequencer loses all of its ties to any static mesh located in the level.
I know of the way that you can make select objects spawnable, or just reassign the actor, but there are hundreds of mesh’s and actors that are in this level sequencer, there has to be a way to simply duplicate it?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Are you duplicating the world or just the sequence?
If you do not change the actor names you can try using the two rebind options. They have moved locations recently so are probably under a different menu in 4.23.

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That seems to be the ticket, feel so silly for not knowing this!!!
Thanks a bunch!!
is there a way to just migrate the cameras and not the whole level? I have a bunch of shots and its just cameras that are animated and moving in the scene. I want to move those shots and cameras to a new cleaned up project but its bringing the whole scene with it when i migrate, and thus breaking the cleaned up new project.
We could rebind these in the duplicated level, but we lose reference to the objects from the original level. Is there a way we can reuse these sequencers, without duplicating them for each level ?
You could try converting the cameras to Spawnables in the sequence and then migrating just the sequence - basically you need to remove anything that references the level itself. If it still tries to migrate the level too, you can uncheck it in the migration. It is likely that this will work, and any remaining things that reference the old level will simply just be broken/shown in red in the new sequence, like when you delete a possessable from the level.
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Amazing, works a treat, thanks just be aware it will nuke all the links from your source file.
Just thought I would make some steps for anyone who might need it.