Soon to be released on the Unreal Marketplace, the Dungeon Crawler Toolkit is packed with everything you need to make a first-person dungeon crawler!
This asset provides all the essential components you need to start making your own first-person dungeon crawler, in the vein of Eye of the Beholder, Dungeon Master or Legend of Grimrock. Let players create a party of varied character classes and have them fight, solve puzzles and loot their way through intricate, multi-level dungeons. The project is built on well-organized and commented blueprints, using a heavily data driven design which makes modifying and extending the toolkit simple, even for non-programmers.
Character creation
Inventory system
Stats and abilities
Powers and spells
Grid based real time movement and combat
Multi-level dungeons
Monsters with AI
Doors, switches, pressure plates and other interactable objects
This project uses publicly available models made by Quaternius, available here and here. I am including them with Quaternius’ explicit permission, but since they are creative commons zero (CC0) you can use them freely in any project with no limitations.
I’m in the final polishing phase on this asset, so expect to see it on the marketplace in the not too distant future. Stay tuned!
Originally I had hoped to get this done before last Christmas, but the project kept growing and growing. It took some time, but at least it is really feature packed
I’m hoping to submit this to Epic sometime next week. Then it will likely take a few weeks depending on how fast it is processed by the marketplace staff.