I still cant build multiple dugeons in the same level. intanced or not… they jsut destroy each other. in editor or at runtime. doesn’t matter.
Oh and @ - I would apriciate a tip. I nedd to do “adjacent cell emitter” backwards. so mark rooms how far away they are from nearest wall, to place proper roof tile. I’ve made a few dungeon rules myslef already but I cant get my head around this one somehow
We have been working with DA for a bout 12 months (bought it before it was up on the Marketplace) - and our game - has launched into Early Access today.
We are generating new levels at run-time, and using our own custom Grid Builder. We also added a lot of custom markers for long walls, spans, large floor tiles, landmarks and wide doorways (and many more)
@MaxPower42 You can create them at both runtime or in the editor. You can change your light’s mobility to either static or movable from the theme editor. If you build it in the editor, Unreal Ed would treat it like any other level and you can bake your lighting.
@AngeIV This was fixed in 2.7.0. However, I checked it still happens if you duplicated the dungeon actor in the editor. I’ve fixed it by hooking on to the PostDuplicate event and recreating the dungeon unique id so it treats it as another dungeon and doesn’t share the items. Till the next update, as a work around, delete your duplicated dungeon actor and drop in a new one and reconfigure it
As for the marker, the empty space emitter works in a similar way (how far away an empty space is to the nearest wall). Are you looking to make angular roofs?
Yes that solved the problem I msut say that I have this plugin for 6 months, it helped me a lot and is a complete must have for every type of games. I never seen support this good. Cant wait for landscape architect
Im not proficient enought to make my own custom grid, so I dont know how to make markers that will take more then a single grid space so I use various spawn rules to cheat in that matter. And yes - I am trying to make angular roofs I even kinda did, but it’s not perfect. I studied the empty space marker emitter, but cant figure how to make the oposite of it. Even though it should be simple as “finding adjacent cells to walls, and checking if they are room type” - but it doesn’t work for some reason
Hi all,
I’m using DA to generate random levels during runtime.
While fiddling with some stuff, I found out checking ‘instanced’ to true on Dungeon actor makes object type of DungeonInstancedMeshActor to be always ‘WorldDynamic’ and completely ignore settings I adjusted in DungeonTheme as well as default collision settings of the source static mesh.
Is this normal?
(UE version 4.16.3 and DA 2.7.0.)
I only seem to be able to get an instanced dungeon when I click the check box on the dungeon generator its self. When I try the instanced check box in the theme details config it does not seem to do anything. It also does not seem to do anything when I change the Static Mesh component under advanced options. I ask because I would like to have some parts of my dungeon be instanced. When I have the whole thing be instanced there seems to be no collision or at least its using a different collision profile. Does anyone know why how to fix that?
Also, it would be great if it would used HISM and not just one big ISM, well at least it would be good to have the option.
Finally, foliage… how are people handling that? In all of the examples its just a static mesh that cant be the best way to do it? Are you recommending people set up a procedural foliage volume? I would still like have DA spawn trees at certain locations but have them be Foliage meshes. What’s the right way to do that?
You are right that is a good example of a faked landscape. It seems that if you use instanced in DA you will get HISM which I think is just as good as Foliage. The main problem I am still having is the same as **netcop0207. **Basically, if you instance the DA build it disregards all of your settings from the advanced tab. So you get the default collision and you can’t seem to change the shadows. That’s a big problem. You need to be able to turn off shadows and collision on the superfluous meshes. Its a must if you are using dynamic lighting. If anyone knows how to do that please let me know.
On the dungeon theme you have various settings overwrite on each „static mesh” node. If you set them up they will be applied on the instanced meshes. If you have small maps and target pc and consoles not mobile and performance is not that big of a deal - you can turn on complex collisions project-wide in project settings and simple will be used only for simulate physx.
if You are running a repository i could help You remotely.
You are right on PC the performance is not that big of a deal. Still I am seeing several big dungeons will cost a few MS, even when they are not on screen. My project is not on-line, but thanks. I have used the overwrites in the Themes, but those settings are disregarded when you use instanced. I understand you need to make the changes in C++ so I hope this can get exposed to blueprint soon.
if your project is not online you can even easier use distance culling, cull volumes per dungeon, and level streaming each dungeon could be part of a diferent level streamed in and out from the persistent level.
By overwrites I mean that “static mesh” node in the theme graph got vast number of options and you can overwrite any value of the default mesh. even collision type and object type.