Dungeon Architect

Snap builder demo level (built using the free infinity blade fire assets). This is just using 2 modules (didn’t have time to create more). I’ve also redone the way connections are define which would make it more designer friendly



The theme editor is crashing the Unreal editor on OSX when I add a point light node, save , close the theme editor, then try to reopen the theme. I can reproduce it 100% in 4.14.1 with the latest version of DA from the marketplace.

Edit: it’s not actually related to point light nodes being added but something in my theme that’s crashing unreal when I open the theme editor, this started happening when I updated to the latest version of DA. I’m systematically removing parts to attempt to single out the culprit, any clues from the crash log bellow?

's the crash log:

UDungeonBuilder::ApplyDungeonTheme(TArray<UDungeonThemeAsset*, FDefaultAllocator> const&, TArray<FClusterThemeInfo, FDefaultAllocator> const&, TSharedPtr<FDungeonSceneProvider, (ESPMode)0>, UWorld*) Address = 0x17b762d5e (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-DungeonArchitectRuntime.dylib]
SDungeonEditorViewport::PerformMeshRebuild() Address = 0x17d8c915c (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-DungeonArchitectEditor.dylib]
SDungeonEditorViewport::Tick(FGeometry const&, double, float) Address = 0x17d8cb3dc (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-DungeonArchitectEditor.dylib]
SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x1130ab8cf (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SCompoundWidget::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x11315afbc (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SBorder::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x1129fbddb (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Slate.dylib]
SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x1130ab939 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SOverlay::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x11315ee1a (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x1130ab939 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SPanel::PaintArrangedChildren(FPaintArgs const&, FArrangedChildren const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x11315fa54 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SPanel::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x11315f6f9 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x1130ab939 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SCompoundWidget::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x11315afbc (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x1130ab939 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SPanel::PaintArrangedChildren(FPaintArgs const&, FArrangedChildren const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x11315fa54 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SSplitter::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x112a92891 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Slate.dylib]
SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x1130ab939 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SCompoundWidget::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x11315afbc (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x1130ab939 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SPanel::PaintArrangedChildren(FPaintArgs const&, FArrangedChildren const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x11315fa54 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SSplitter::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x112a92891 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Slate.dylib]
SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x1130ab939 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SCompoundWidget::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x11315afbc (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x1130ab939 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SPanel::PaintArrangedChildren(FPaintArgs const&, FArrangedChildren const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x11315fa54 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SSplitter::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x112a92891 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Slate.dylib]
SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x1130ab939 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SOverlay::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x11315ee1a (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x1130ab939 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SCompoundWidget::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x11315afbc (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x1130ab939 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SPanel::PaintArrangedChildren(FPaintArgs const&, FArrangedChildren const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x11315fa54 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SPanel::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x11315f6f9 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x1130ab939 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SCompoundWidget::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x11315afbc (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x1130ab939 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SCompoundWidget::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x11315afbc (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SBorder::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x1129fbddb (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Slate.dylib]
SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x1130ab939 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SOverlay::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x11315ee1a (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x1130ab939 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SPanel::PaintArrangedChildren(FPaintArgs const&, FArrangedChildren const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x11315fa54 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SPanel::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x11315f6f9 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x1130ab939 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SCompoundWidget::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x11315afbc (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x1130ab939 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SPanel::PaintArrangedChildren(FPaintArgs const&, FArrangedChildren const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x11315fa54 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SSplitter::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x112a92891 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Slate.dylib]
SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x1130ab939 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SOverlay::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x11315ee1a (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x1130ab939 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SCompoundWidget::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x11315afbc (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x1130ab939 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SPanel::PaintArrangedChildren(FPaintArgs const&, FArrangedChildren const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x11315fa54 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SPanel::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x11315f6f9 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x1130ab939 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SPanel::PaintArrangedChildren(FPaintArgs const&, FArrangedChildren const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x11315fa54 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SPanel::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x11315f6f9 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x1130ab939 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SOverlay::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x11315ee1a (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x1130ab939 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SCompoundWidget::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x11315afbc (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SWindow::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x113172d14 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SWidget::Paint(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x1130ab939 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
SWindow::PaintWindow(FPaintArgs const&, FGeometry const&, FSlateRect const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, int, FWidgetStyle const&, bool) const Address = 0x113172cad (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib]
FSlateApplication::DrawWindowAndChildren(TSharedRef<SWindow, (ESPMode)0> const&, FDrawWindowArgs&) Address = 0x11271d840 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Slate.dylib]
FSlateApplication::PrivateDrawWindows(TSharedPtr<SWindow, (ESPMode)0>) Address = 0x11271c5d1 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Slate.dylib]
FSlateApplication::DrawWindows() Address = 0x11271ba0f (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Slate.dylib]
FSlateApplication::TickApplication(float) Address = 0x11272509c (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Slate.dylib]
FSlateApplication::Tick() Address = 0x112722778 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Slate.dylib]
FEngineLoop::Tick() Address = 0x10c142d65 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor]
GuardedMain(wchar_t const*) Address = 0x10c148b72 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor]
-[UE4AppDelegate runGameThread:] Address = 0x10c15616c (filename not found) [in UE4Editor]
-[FCocoaGameThread main] Address = 0x10c376526 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Core.dylib]
Unknown() Address = 0x7fffc534ec6d (filename not found) [in Foundation]
_pthread_body Address = 0x7fffd9099aab (filename not found) [in libsystem_pthread.dylib]
_pthread_body Address = 0x7fffd90999f7 (filename not found) [in libsystem_pthread.dylib]
thread_start Address = 0x7fffd90991fd (filename not found) [in libsystem_pthread.dylib]

@Ratamorph It’s happening somewhere while applying the theme. I’ll have a closer look and update you soon

I’ve updated an early access version of 2.5.0 so you can start using the new snap builder. There’s also a demo scene with around 20 snap modules to get you started. Download the snap demo files from

2.5.0-EA1 (Early Access)
Change Log:

  • Rewritten the snap builder to use blueprints, instead of levels for modules. This greatly improves the performance and stability
  • Added a snap demo example with 20 modules of various sizes
  • Fixed initialization issues with the actor node in the theme editor

The new blueprint based snap builder is fast and stable. This dungeon contains hundreds of rooms and was generated in under a second (the algorithm is fast but complex rooms may take more time to spawn)

There are still some issues to be resolved (the construction script messes up the state of the doors so you’ll have to build the dungeon after opening the map. I’ll fix this in the coming days

I’ll create a tutorial soon


Any Dungeon Architect pros want to join an early access game on Steam PM me!

I am interested in buying this for the City builder. Do you have a demo of how this works for UE4? I seen it for unity on YouTube I would like to be able to create City Scenes for my game. Is this plugin compatible for VR? Looks wonderful.

Perfect, ! Looking forward to testing 2.5.0-EA1

@lafilmcompany: I haven’t tried it using the VR editing, but definitely levels created with it will work in VR. Because of the need for 90 fps though what I’ve found is that it’s best to use static lighting for lightmaps in VR as much as possible. So what I’ve done when I’ve used it on VR projects is compile out maps using static lighting and saving levels just to try to keep the frame rates as high as possible (which is important for VR).

Ive been testing the 2.5 snap builder. Sadly, its useless for me.

Ill grab the code from 2.4, the one that uses maps, and try to work with it. The reason is simple. Im doingVR, and i need static lighting. With the map snap system, lighting could be baked, and performance can be good. But with this system, lighting cant be baked into the modules, wich makes it useless from a VR perspective. Ue4 does not do any kind of culling on the lights other than simple frustrum cull, and that means that if i look to the center of the map, all the lights in all the modules will be calculating, completely destroying performance. If those lights cast shadows, the murdering of performance will be a serious thing, making any kind of half-big dungeon unplayable. Without the shadow casting, then light bleeds beetween modules.

Its nice how fast it runs now, and how it doesnt crash every time you exit play in editor, but i have no other , becouse the older version was WAY more performant. It also could use the navmesh from each of the modules, avoiding a global rebuild of the navmesh.


This is a video of the prototype im doing. This would be completely unplayable on the new version, as each module would need to be a blueprint and i cant bake light or navmesh.

Good that we have the source code, becouse i needed to edit it anyway to create my own tightly controlled dungeon. Such a shame you had to change it to use blueprints, what made the snap builder so strong is that it could use levels.

There is also a bit of feedback i have:

There is no way whatsoever to control the layout of the dungeon. You only have main path, branch end, main path end, and main path start. Its common to see 2-3 modules repeating in a row (easily seen in the video, there are 8 different modules). There is also no way to tell it to not repeat the branch end modules. Something i wanted to do is to have 3 different branch end modules, and use each of them in 3 different branches. But there is a that it will repeat 1 module in all 3 branches. That layout editor you were working on for other types of dungeons would be good for this.

Another thing that would be great is a “forbid” filter on the doors, so you can tell it to forbid putting a “hallway” room after another “hallway” room.

Why can’t you set your static meshes in the BP actor to be static and cast static shadows ? After level is generated, build lighting and it should have lightmaps.

The whole point of using a generator is to build random levels at runtime.

Indeed, and in runtime you can’t have anything baked. So, real-time lighting is the only way to lit your randomly generated dungeons. No lightmaps at all. So, I am not sure why you saying you can’t bake lighting since, well, you can’t have baked lighting to begin with.

Navmesh generation is an issue, I agree.

I have been struggling with this as well. Is there a workaround way you can think of to force UE to cull? Is there a type of volume or perhaps just a special mesh which would force lighting cull? This would help not just in snap builder, but in any reasonably sized DA level as well.

Because with the old snap builder he could gen lightmaps for each piece in the level for them, then they will have lightmaps when generated.

TBH, I also need something like this but stayed away from the snap builder when it was using levels for each piece due to the overhead in building pieces in separate levels, but this has me rethinking it.

Have you tried the forward renderer? Ive seen massive speedup on the dungeons with it, becouse it will do some light culling due to the way it tiles the lights (but too many lights will be too much work on the shader).

Using levels as pieces is a bad idea IMO.

That is amazing!!

Outside of VR I agree, but for VR the ability to bake the lightmaps and then snap the pieces together is pretty crucial to avoiding dynamic lighting while being able to generate at runtime.

Well, to be fair, only handful of people use it for VR :wink: Also, you don’t have to avoid dynamic lighting, just plan ahead and get clever with optimizing layouts. Lastly, dungeons generated offline can have baked lighting and I am 99.9% positive that generating them real-time will not make your game better. There are other ways to make pre-cooked dungeon feel like it’s random. I am personally going this route - many pre-cooked dungeons. If people really want more out of the game, either tech by then will be more optimized and handle lighting well, or I can simply generate more dungeons and offer them for free for as DLC.

Doesn’t really matter if it makes it better when runtime random dungeon layouts is the #1 requested feature by potential players.

I think having a system that could support the level based snap pieces and the blueprint ones would be ideal.