Dungeon Architect

Blueprint based snap builder

Thanks for your suggestion - I did this (SceneCapture2D “somewhere far away”) in order to show equipment on an inventory character, but wondered if there was something special with DA that I could use. I’ll try this approach for the minimap, too.

I just make a snapshot of the level once the dungeon is first rendered - how would I destroy the minimap dungeon after the snapshot (and where?) ?

Wow. Just wow. This is what I want to do, man. This is my everything.

@ Hello again, I think I might have found another possible bug.

In an attempt to create key/lock combinations I use the ‘Event Emit Markers’ where I do a Query->**GetRandomCellOfType **with type room. I do this twice in a row. The result of both is the same cell index, so I won’t get two different rooms as I want.

It works correctly if I use **GetRandomCell **instead, which I now use as a workaround.

EDIT: How would I go about traversing the dungeon ‘tree’ graph you create? I want to create key/lock puzzles that are guaranteed to be solvable, and thought I would traverse up and down the tree to place locks and keys. Is there another way to do this?

I now use ‘GetOpeningPointBetweenAdjacentCells’ that gives me the location of the spot between two rooms, so I can place a locked door there. However, the return value is a Vector and not a Transform - so I don’t know which way to rotate the door. How would I do this?

If I use ‘GetDoorBetween’ with the same cell ID’s as input values, I never get a door struct - why is this? How do I use ‘GetDoorBetween’? I guess I can use ‘GetDoorExits’ to get the transforms/directions that I need?

I would love some more documentation for the query functions.

This plugin is getting better and better. I am quite happy i bought it.

Hello there :slight_smile:

I bought the plugin two weeks ago and I started using it. I checked all the youtube videos and over viewed the documentation as well.

I’ve come to a point where I’m having fun with the plugin but I don’t manage to bend it to my needs so I’ve decided to come to ask some questions. I hope you don’t mind :slight_smile:

@: I need to mention the fact that before I buy the Plugin, I sent you an email and never got an answer. I don’t mind much, I knew the Plugin was worth buying anyway so I went ahead (and since this thread has 150k view I think you might receive many many mails :p). But I needed to tell you that some unanswered mail might have turned off some potential buyers. Anyway, thank you for the Plugin, it is such a powerful tool.

So what are my problems?

  • most of my problems come from the lack of control over the gameplay space, the Plugin creates huge gameplay space and I don’t manage to get the space I want for my game
  • my rooms are too big, is there a way to tell a room’s size is in between x and y cell?
  • corridors sometimes are too long, is there a way to tell them that if they are bigger than X cells then, they don’t build or better yet, they build a Room in the middle of them?
  • doors /stairs don’t have enough space, is there a way to make them 2*1 cell for instance?
  • stairs are too close to each other, when it comes to two stairs connecting to a different height var, Stair Tolerance does not help, how would I fix this?
  • this one is a small problem and might just come from my setup: when using Instanced Static Mesh my pawn no longer collides with the floor and pass through it
  • is there a way to say I can only have a height change / stairs if I have at least x*y free cell space to build up the stair element? sometimes I go something like door - stair - stair - door in between two rooms and there is just not enough space for the stairs
  • is there a way to tell the dungeon generator to start and end there (where and there could be world locations for instance)
  • is there a way to increment a variable depending on how far I am from the beginning of the dungeon generation (for instance I’m in the 5th generated tile where there are more monsters than the 2nd generated tile)?
  • how would I go about adding a minimap? (I think you guys have discussed it, if one remembers what thread page it was, I’m quite interested)
  • maybe I should just look at the snap builder?

I know there are a lot of questions, thanks in advance to anyone taking the time to answer me :slight_smile:

Good luck & have fun in your projects everyone!

Hi, been following the plugin for a while, I think I will purchase soon. Just a few questions!

  1. Is Dungeon Architect capable of spawning multi-floor dungeons (staircases not in the same position every floor)? Can it do this as a runtime level?
  2. I’ve seen your floor plan demo, and that seems fairly well suited to my needs, but does that work runtime as well? Are the cells/rooms defined the same way as the usual dungeons?

Thank you. Your plugin really looks like the kind of caliber and professionalism Epic could only hope for when they started the marketplace, keep up all the good work.

@Yun-Kun I’m sorry I must have missed your mail.

  • my rooms are too big, is there a way to tell a room’s size is in between x and y cell?

You can control the size of your dungeon using the NumCells parameter. The room size can also be controlled with Min / room size parameter. Be sure to update the RoomAreaThreshold parameter also when you update the min / room size. This parameter controls how many rooms you’d like have (i.e. how tightly packed / sparse your dungeon is)

We don’t have a way of controlling this right now

The stair placement needs more refinement. It is based on heuristics to avoid undesirable placements. I’ll work on improving it in the future

Hmm that’s strange. I didn’t notice it previously. Could you share your ground mesh? Also does the ground mesh have collision enabled and oes it work with non-instanced dungeon?

This will be supported in the future with the dungeon flow graph editor

I’ll add that method in the query interface in the next update

Screen capture another minimap dungeon. Another approach would be to draw a 2D version of the dungeon in a render texture and use it on your HUD

The next update (2.5) will have major changes to the snap builder with documentation and examples

@gausswerks Thank you!

  1. The floorplan dungeon has a lift demo. It can also be used as stairs with some modifications. However it is not built into the floorplan builder. It is still a WIP builder and is not fully supported (it has limited control on the layout and doesn’t have a paint tool yet). I’ll be updating the floorplan builder later to use the flow graph builder for more control (like this approach)
  2. It works on runtime. It uses a different data structure from the default grid builder. This data is not yet exposed to blueprints and the query system

Thank you very much for your detailed answers and your dedication! You’re such a beast :slight_smile:

Hi AlĂŹ!

Your plugin is simply amazing! Our artist team bought it from Marketplace quite a month and a half ago and we are enthusiast about it!

I have a question for you.
Together with the dungeon, at runtime, we have to spawn a square Grid Manager Blueprint that will manage our troops movement, giving them pathfinding, initiative, etc.
This grid manager contains a matrix of cells and it give them an unique index.

The question is: it is possibile to have in the “On Dungeon Layout Built” a Cell X and Cell Y of the dungeon extesion?
I need those values in order to spawn my Grid Manager and fit all the dungeon without leaving uncovered areas even if the seed changes on the next build.

Thanks in advance, your work is unvaluable.

When I create an “instanced” dungeon my meshes load without materials. Do I need to set up instanced SM blueprints if I want an instanced dungeon, or is DA supposed to do the instancing in the background?

@Wisdom- Sure, you can get the bounds and all the logical cell tile coordinates that make up the dungeon from the grid model. I’ll give you a blueprint tomorrow when I get to work

@DrinkThisPotion It should work automatically. Make sure your material have the “Use with Instanced Static Meshes” selected. The engine should this flag automatically if it is applied to an instanced mesh. It usually takes a while to compile then for the first time. Is this during runtime or design time?

Everything I’m doing is runtime. I have the “use with instanced sm’s” checked. Also when packaging the game many materials do not show up at all, just checkered squares.


Sorry, I ended up figuring it out on my own. It was a combination of things. Some of the materials didn’t have the checkbox you recommended. Your fix worked great for that.

Others just had a problematic material they were instancing from. I replaced it with something different and it works great now :slight_smile:

Fantastic. Glad you’re working on the snap builder again!

Sorry, I’m new … Is the Snap Builder part of Dungeon Architect?

@Kalicola: Yes it is one of several builder types.

When are we going to get the new snap builder? I am eager to test! :slight_smile: