Dungeon Architect

OK, problem not understood but solved :slight_smile:

I blindly tested every options one by one, it was the collisions, when removing them and replacing them with another rule, it works fine.

So unless itā€™s important for you to understand what happened (in which case i remain available to give extra infos), donā€™t spend time on this, this experimental solution is enough for me.

Cheers !

Transformation section of SnapDoor:Closed Mesh is not working. Location, Rotation, and Scaling are not affecting the generated meshesā€¦ I understand why it would not make sense for it to work with the Open Mesh (as itā€™s placed in between 2 snap areas and which one it used as itā€™s relative location would be arbitrary.) I do think it should work for closed mesh though, as thereā€™s no ambiguity when it comes to where it should be oriented and what itā€™s relative space should be associated with.

It would also be nice to be able to associate a closed mesh per door and not just per SnapDoorAsset as the door between the two locations can share a mesh/blueprint, but the closed mesh might need to be different for different rooms.

Example: I have a space station I generate where the doors are set back 20cm from the wall (helps prevent hallway/adjacent room meshes from bleeding through to current room) it looks fine for doors used in the open mesh, but the closed mesh are put 20cm back and look sunken in. Also most rooms do share the same closed mesh, but a few rooms have different themes and should have different closed mesh when no door is placed.

I just bought your plugin and I have some questions. My game should use DA to generate dungeons at runtime using the grid builder approach where the dungeon level has one entrance and one or no exit.

  1. How do I let DA place an entrance (e.g. a special wall) and an exit that are far away from each other?
  2. How do I player the PlayerStart location and orientation at the entrance (or exit if going upwards from a lower level) of the dungeon?
  3. Can I place special prefabricated rooms in the runtime dungeon? (like exit, entrance, jail etc.)

Maybe I miss something obvious as Iā€™m new to Dungeon Architect?

Thanks for your great plugin,

Hi Lars,
I am working on this problem as well. One thing to try is to use a GridDungeonPlatform at the edge of the dungeon, set the cell type to ā€œroomā€ and then use a theme override volume with an empty theme along one of the walls of the platform. In the empty theme volume build the door into the dungeon.

The only problem Iā€™m seeing with this is that if youā€™re building the dungeon at runtime and you have a height variation > 0, thereā€™s a that the platform will not match the Z value of the door you built. I have contacted the author to see if thereā€™s a workaround.

Dungeon Architect User Group

Hey fellow DA enthusiasts - does anyone want to share notes on what weā€™ve learned? Iā€™ve gone through all the videos and done quite a bit of experimentation on my own. I have some learned some pretty neat tricks, but Iā€™m also up against what seem to be some limitations. I plan to make some tutorial videos on some of the finer points Iā€™ve learned. Iā€™ll share those when I finish them.

Has anyone gone advanced with building your own marker emitters? I built one to emit in the center of rooms which is working very well. However Iā€™m very interested in going deeper as it seems the possibilities are powerful.

Specifically, when getting the bounds of rooms and corridors, does anyone understand that model very well? Iā€™d love to chat.

If anyoneā€™s interested, 's a blueprint marker emitter I made for the center of the room. It is based on one of the DA authorā€™s demo emitters with few a very minor tweaks.

Hi DrinkThisPotion!
Thanks for you suggestion - I have not thought about using GridDungenPlatform and ThemeOverideVolume for dungeons build at runtime ā€¦ might get handy to add special rooms inside of the dungeon.
But I think there is no way to make sure that the runtime dungeon actually hits these volumes - but Iā€™ll experiment with this to see what I can get from it.

But there must be an build in way for runtime dungeons - you have to out the time a player searches through a dungeon level by separating entrance and exit (and some special goals/quest items) far away from each other.
ā€¦ and whatā€™s the purpose of a dungeon without an entrance ā€¦ :wink:

Edit: just discovered that a GridDungeonPlatformer of type Room is always connected - great!

Yes, let me know if you find a way to deal with the elevation issue. (or if you even run into it)

Does anyone have a video or written tutorial for SnapDungeonBuilder functionality? I checked onā€™s youtube page where he has a demo of it, but no explanation or set up. MTIA.

Hey, I still donā€™t have the DA in my Vault.

@demonseedgfx, @MiDri suggestion is a nice workaround. 's another approach that lets you rotate your dungeon at runtime by attaching all the dungeon objects to a root actor:

  1. Generate your dungeon
  2. Grab all your generated dungeon actors and attach them to some root actor (which you will rotate around the orbit)
  3. Rotate the root actor to rotate your dungeon


@MiDri This should be fixed in the latest version. There was a build error in the version I submitted to epic on one of the platforms. Iā€™ve resubmitted it yesterday and it should be available soon.

Adding negation volumes should be straight forward. Iā€™ll add it in the next build

Thank you @sazigirl! I got a good quality microphone a while back and Iā€™ll re-record the videos soon. Feel free to ask if you need any help

Iā€™ve sent a mail to Epic asking for the status. Iā€™ll let you all know when I hear from them

, the emitter BP can see your variables from code. You need to add a reference to your C++ actor that drives this variable and read it from there

's an example where from the BP, Iā€™m grabbing the distance (random value between 1-6) from C++

C++ code that drives the distance variable:

#pragma once
#include "AMyDungeonController.generated.h"

class AMyDungeonController : public AActor


	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, BlueprintPure, Category = MyDungeonController)
	int32 GetMountainDistance();



#include "DA413X.h"	// pch
#include "AMyDungeonController.h"

int32 AMyDungeonController::GetMountainDistance()
	return FMath::RandRange(1, 6);

Add a variable in the emitter BP that takes a references to your controller code and make it public

Grab the distance from your C++ code

Finally, set the reference of your C++ code in the marker emitter when you register it in the Dungeon actor. (The assumption is that you have it somewhere placed in the level, which you probably do)

Clicking build now randomly generates rocks that are 1-6 layers deep

@sazigirl, You can disconnect a link using Alt+Left click on the nodeā€™s pin. Iā€™ll add this in the documentation

You can do that with spatial constraints. The tutorials for it are missing. Iā€™ll add it soon. 's a quick overview:


Thank you for using it :slight_smile:

, Thanks for the video. Iā€™ll have a look


All good, in my library nowā€¦ Thanks.


@Laurentius,    @DrinkThisPotion
  1. The latest version 2.2.0 (soon to be updated in the marketplace) has an API and samples to find the furthest rooms in the dungeon

  2. You can use the Query API (in the examples) to orient the playerstart away from the entrance

  3. @DrinkThisPotionā€™s suggestion would work but it requires some work for properly wrapping theme override volumes around it. You can do that with a dungeon event listener (will work for dynamic runtime dungeons too) where you listen for dungeon layout build event (where the layout is built but the theme is not applied) and place the volume around it. I have a sample for this in Unity. Iā€™ll add a demo soon

@DrinkThisPotion Great work! Thereā€™s a lot you can do with marker emitters. You can also use it to decorate the empty space around your dungeons (unity example but also applies to UE4)




@RedSaturnSix Iā€™ll add detailed video tutorials soon. In the mean time, the snap builder section in the user guide has info to get you started