Gonna be first day buyer!) i thought on same architecture, if random seed is an option,then it’s definetely possible(at least with some magic )
This is an insta buy for me. Get it into our hand!!!
@rozenbor @TommyBear Thanks for your support!
Bought the SciFi Props Pack and created a new indoor theme.
Checkout the video where the entire level was built procedurally with a single click (and some manual modifications made to it later on)
Definitely a first day buy for me too. Good job and looking forward to its release.
@qdelpeche Thanks!
Added a new feature to apply rule based transformation on the props. These rules are defined in blueprints, which we all are familiar with
is an example where I want alternate meshes to be rotated by 180 degrees so they look like connected tubes
You do this by selecting the node and defining a new blueprint in the Transform Logic section (plus icon)
Define you logic by overriding the Get Node Offset function
Created support websites:
Main website: http://coderespawn.com
Support Forum: http://coderespawn.com/bb
Issue Tracker: http://coderespawn.com/bug/thebuggenie/dungeonarchitect
This is AMAZING.
Keep up the good work.
I plan to purchase this and that sci fi pack. Nice stuff
@, any guesses about when this will be available? Price?
@: It just gets better and better … this is really an plugin. I have two projects that have been sidelined because of lack of a level design, this plugin is going to enable me to get the POC for these projects out.
Thank you and I am eagerly looking forward to your release. Keep up the work. 8-}
Thank you! Definitely buying this as soon as you put it up
I might not use this, but I will still buy it just to look at the source code. Well done!
Does the generated geometry/mesh work with Navmesh? I do not see a video with AI controlled pawns in it, that is why I ask.
Thanks everyone!
@n00854180t I’ll submit by tomorrow to Epic.
@mindfane Good question. It works well with dynamic navmesh generation.
Heres a video where the level is built at runtime and bots are spawned randomly on valid positions on the map
A new level is generated when I play the second time in the video
You need to set a engine parameter to notify dynamic nav mesh rebuild, if you are generating the level in runtime, like in the video above
Navigate to Edit > Project Settings > Navigation Mesh > Runtime > Runtime Generation > Dynamic
I’ll update the docs with this info
Would it be possible to layout a circular design? By this I mean if I have a space station that is circular would I be able to create passages around the edge and then a smaller circle and so on. Or would I need to create a grid system? Thanks
@demonseedgfx It works on a grid based system for now
Ok I can make that work for now. Thanks for the quick response.
Got it working in mac. The Xcode clang compiler is less forgiving than visual studio. Resolved all warnings and errors
That is !
Even though I do not use a Mac.
Super for me! (mac user) can’t wait!, we are really looking forward to this, got a game in progress that is going to benefit a lot from it.
Man I am so excited for this, gonna accelerate my project for sure!