Dungeon Architect

They present a nice approach using a weighted network

The floorplan requires more control and I’ll get to it soon

All future updates are free and you can download from the website at any time. However, I suggest you wait for the marketplace release (soon)

Interesting, thank you!

You really need some downloadable demo applications that use your system at run time :wink:

Indeed. This is the game that started it all


Then I was too lazy to create levels by hand and started working on DA :wink:

I should go back and finish it

Thanks for the quick reply. How soon do you think it will be released to the marketplace?

It’s been almost a year since I first got this. September 2015. When I go to MyAccount > Downloads, I only see Dungeon Architect Quick Start sample content. I’m not sure if that’s the plugin or not because it says its for 4.8 to 4.10

@Justin.Dooley Please check now. If anyone has a similar problem, let me know

Oh that’s much better :smiley: I thought I was just missing a step somewhere.

Ok so bought it, love it. Took my Assets me and my Team were working on, from concept levels to like 100 Actual levels. Have a Problem, when we try to build a Standalone test off client it crashes, and gives me some errors. I`ll paste them in this post, when my Modeller gets back to me with the Issues. It just crashes the build. Was wondering what that was about maybe i didnt set something up properly?

Also LOVE THE PRODUCT! Got a Discount for Groups of 2? or 4? Xd or is it 100 per seat period?

@, Thank you for the purchase and for the kind words. I’m happy you are finding it useful :slight_smile:

I noticed this crash yesterday and fixed it. I’ll have a new build very soon. As for multiple licenses we can work something out. Please send a mail to.akbar@coderespawn.com

Fixed the adjacent door issue. It will remove doors if the adjacent cells to that door can be reachable somehow within the configurable DoorProximitySteps steps, (possibly through a nearby door)

Instead of modifying the algorithm and complicating things, I run this as a post process step. After the dungeon layout is created in memory, I go through each door, remove it temporarily and see if the two door adjacent cells can still reach each other within the given steps (possibly through a nearby door). Set DoorProximitySteps to 0 to disable. A good value is 2-5.



Another Example
Steps = 2 (normal cleanup)

Steps = 3 (removes the other door too since it can be reached from the nearby door in 3 diagonal steps)

New build available:

Version 2.1.5

A new update is available for download. This release fixes a critical crash issue on standalone build. It also fixes the redundant doors generated in the grid builder

Change Log:

Version 2.1.5

  • Fixed adjacent door issues with the Grid builder. Redundant doors are no longer created and it can be controlled through a parameter

Version 2.1.4

  • Fixed a crash issue in non-editor builds due to a bug in the SnapDoor actor

Thanks for the reply! I’ve been waiting for a while to see if it appears on the marketplace, but I’m considering buying it straight from the site. If bought from the marketplace, how long do you think it’d take for the updates comparing it with your site directly? Do they also need to pass through this lenghty review process?


Question: If I generate a building using this can I just save the final building and all its walls/doors/parts and modify as though I hand built the building? Basically generating the assets for reuse and not rely on the plugin during runtime? I want to be able to change things I don’t like or add things manually once the building is generated.

[MENTION=46991]Nick S.[/MENTION] I’m not sure, this is my first marketplace submission. Maybe existing plugin authors can give some insights on updates

[MENTION=456875]Kunani Gaming[/MENTION] Sure you can. Just delete the Dungeon actor after you generate it

Epic completed the review a few days ago and gave a release date of September 8th. I want to thank everyone in the forums and all who purchased it from my website over the last year. You support and feedback helped improve DA to where it is now :slight_smile:

Congratulations, you’re a great developer. I wish you success in the marketspace!

Hello I bought and downloaded Dungeon Architect [Unreal Engine 4] – Version 2.1.5 (Windows)
In the folder there is a quick start guide that redirects to the website and from there I downloaded the Quick Start Content pack for Dungeon Architect version 2.x. and installed it to my project.
The problem is that when I open a map from that download the themes are not set on dungeon1 component. Also when I open the theme files they are empty.
Can you tell me whats wrong ?