Dungeon Architect

Dude! Amazing! Just looking at the stuff you can do I’m tempted to get this, its just the price.

The proce is well worth it in my books. I got i a few months back and more features keep getting added as we go. I’d say get it before the price goes up.

Hi, this looks amazing! Definitely worth a buy for me. Just wondering is this compatible / easy to set up for 4.10?

Edit: Went ahead and bought it anyway, and noticed the files have a 4.10 version which was great! I guess just FYI, it looks like on your website the ‘Versions supported’ still only says 4.7,4.8 and 4.9

Looks great! Two questions :

  1. Does it work for 4.10
  2. Is the final output simply a mesh that can then be individually tweaked, plopped onto a landscape, etc.


I’ve been playing around with the plugin and have run in to a problem running on 4.10. It seems whenever i try to add an actor node to the theme generator, the engine crashes if i try to make that actor a Character class (i can spawn pawns, actors, any other object, but anything derived from Character crashes the engine without fail).

I worked around this by making a Spawner class that spawns on BeginPlay. At least until fixes it.

@ - Is there a way to figure out which side of a corridor the corridor padding is on? I want to rotate the ceiling tiles for the padding areas by 180 around Z-axis when it’s on the opposite side.

Also it seems like the Selector stuff overrides the affinity setting - is there a way to make it still obey it?


Not to be nagging or seem like a jerk, but I´m still struggling with the Building problem. I have been trying to get a hang of it through documentation and so on, but I cant seem to get a hang of if.
I tried mailing you on the forums to but alas to no avail.

Keep it Classy!

Hi everyone. Apologies for the lack of response.

@Variss, @n00854180t I’ve fixed the crash issue and the characters spawn properly. I’ll release it with the next build

@Variss Thanks for the heads up. I’ll update the website


Could you send me your theme file? I’ll couldn’t reproduce it locally

You cannot apply two materials to the same mesh unless the artist has divided that mesh into two separate sub-meshes. In your case, I’d attach two mesh nodes on the walls, one facing each side and override their materials separately. Let me know if you need a more detailed answer on this

Please check my response below for the building demo

For the building demo, I’d like to use a different approach instead of the one used in #259](Dungeon Architect - Game Development - Epic Developer Community Forums)

I don’t like the existing way of using each floor as a dungeon and stitching them together as it seems kind of a hack. Also, the default dungeon builder is for dungeons and doesn’t create good floor plans you would expect to find in a modern building

Instead, I’ll create a new type of a dungeon builder for building interiors where all the floors are managed by a single dungeon actor.

I plan to implement this paper I read a while ago to create procedural floor plans

I’ll work on this after other priority issues are resolved

@n00854180t I plan on creating a custom blueprint node which you can use in a marker emitter blueprint to emit markers based on the adjacent cell configuration

The node contains 9 grid positions, with the center one being tested. You can click on any of the 8 adjacent cells to change their states into one of the 3 values:

  • Tick - Cell is occupied
  • X - Cell is empty
  • ? - Ignored. Can be empty or occupied

If the configuration matches, it would emit a marker with the specified name. The test will be done with the specified configuration rotated along 0, 90, 180 & 270 degrees with the marker’s orientation setup accordingly if the given configuration is found

@ Does this mean that this will be something like a floor generation in The Binding Of Isaac?

@ - since you’re around, I asked previously if there was a way to have the “Contains Stair” node work for 2x stairs, so that both tiles in front of the stair are blocked out (e.g., for ceilings). It works great for 1x stairs but misses the other tile over the staircase for 2x stairs.

Right now I’ve just got it set up so it only generates 1x stairs, but that’s not ideal.

! Thanks :smiley: This will be really useful.


I had seen you had a working demo of paper2d support. I was wondering if this is fully fleshed out and recommended? I’m currently loving what I’m seeing but I know paper2d is a tough little sport to work with since it’s not fully fleshed out on it’s own.
What is your opinion of your plugin performance with paper2d ?

Thank You,
Alex Batista

This could be .

Any news on the in game level editor?

I recently dove back into this after getting my game’s combat system done and think I can finally turn attention to level design. I’m having trouble getting the dungeon to replicate in two clients for multiplayer. Is there an option that I’m overlooking to get it to work?

You need to replicate the dungeon configuration structure and set it in the client before building the dungeon. I’ll provide a sample soon

@ Hi!, I am playing around with this plugin (pretty by the way), and I was wondering if there is some way to get rooms and corridors as usual, but fixed to two axis. Thinking in a 2.5 D game. Something like this:



Alexarg, Thanks for using DA. It should be possible with another builder. Its not possible with the existing one