Where can I get source code for DA (for 4.21.x) ?
Where can I get source code for DA (for 4.21.x) ?
Thank you very much for efforts, appreciate that! Don’t you have an old package around from that time? I would be happy with that, don’t need the latest features, just get me started. Thanks again, Kindest Regards, Ricky
@ricky I’ve send you a PM with link for version 2.6.2. You can use that with 4.15
@ worked out of the box, was even able to download your content starter pack, thank you so much!!! Vote for Akbar, Akbar for President!!!
We can now have thick walls that take up a full tile (in addition to the previously supported thin walls that take up the edge). This requires a completely different layout connection strategy (since the doors cannot be placed on the corners of the room due to thick wall tiles) and the new system handles it well
This is also required for proper 2D level generation as wall sprites take up a tile. Later this can be extended to support doors of width greater than 1 tile
I’m working on Paper2D support
The prefab tools is going to be a HUGE benefit to the snap dungeon. All other workflows are pretty awkward. Its also an amazing tool by itself. Very exciting stuff! Thank you!
I would be keen to see a video of someone using the prefab tool to make a dungeon if anyone has merged them yet.
Major update to DA that will open up tons of possibilities
Very nice. Do we have an ETA for the next update?
Hi **, I recently made a dungeon that works great. but I have a landscape and I would like the landscape modifier to not modify all landscape only the landscape cells around the dungeon the rest of it should keep the structure, right now I don’t know how to proceed if you can please guide me. Maybe to add some code or blueprint I am familiar with programming. Thank you! **
May I ask, is DA limited to using only rectangle or square passages/rooms? By that, I mean can it handle various angles or curves for making a more natural look?
There a bit more testing / polishing to be done. I’ll release it in a week or two
[USER=“13759”]Ion Cocarcea[/USER] This is not supported yet but should be possible and I’ll add it in the next build.
If you’d like to try this yourself, have a look at this code
[FONT=courier new]DungeonArchitect\Source\DungeonArchitectRuntime\Private\Core\Landscape\DungeonLandscapeModifier.cpp
Rasterizer.Blur(HeightBlurRadius, HeightBlurIterations);
the dungeon layout is first rasterized into pixels (for height map data) with white pixels for layout on a black background (0-255). This data is then blurred to give you gray shades (this creates the smooth slopes around the dungeon layout).
The next step would be to use this as a mask to interpolate between the existing landscape data and the dungeon data, or you can wait for the next update
For the snap builder, you can have any shaped rooms, however there’s a constraint (for performance reason) that the doors should be placed on the edge of the bounding box
I think now I remember why I left that out. Before we modify the landscape data, we need to save the source data somewhere externally. If we take what’s already there in the landscape and try to blend it in, it won’t look good on a dungeon rebuild (it will take the previously baked dungeon layout and blend on top of that). So the baking should be non destructive and a rebuild should be able to fully restore the original data and bake the new layout
Saving this height map data in the dungeon actor is also not a good idea as it adds unnecessary memory overhead. One way is to provide a custom asset file were you can dump the heightmap data and use it as a source
Thank you for your work !
The documentation dosn’t explain how to build and connect multiple floors. The Floor Plan is great but doesn’t add stairs between floors. Could you shed some light on this, please ? Thanks again !
@Psychojau I’ll add support for stairs in the near future. There’s support for lifts with volumes with a sample in the quick start guide
I’ve added a serialization system to the level streaming framework. This allows you to automatically serialize the state of your actors when a room is streamed out of memory so it gets restored back in correctly when it gets loaded again (e.g. treasure chests, npc health, pickups etc). You can also grab the spawned door actor from the connection actor reference. This allows you to open / close a door from blueprints
More info :
I tried making a SelectorLogic and a MarkerEmitter.
The first one allows me to place a door or stairs in preview but… with the exact same dungeon setup : nothing in the level.
The second one allows nothing since it’s not as in the video.
@Psychojau In he level’s dungeon actor, did you register you rmarker emitter. Please have a look at the quick start sample demos.
The theme in the DA_TutorialGame folder contains a simple marker emitter example by placing objects inside a room
In the above example you also have an example of a selector logic BP (blue ground tiles for rooms) and transform logic BP (random jitter rotation on the orange ground tiles)
The Hell Forge demo contains a more complex marker emitter for building a cave like structure
I’ll haves these features available more frequently (in versions 2.xx) as they are available instead of one giant update in 3.0
Some of the bigger features like mission graph, level streaming, prefab are already implemented and will available in the next update (2.11.0). Let me know if you like to see a certain feature not mentioned in the list