Dungeon Architect


Dungeon Architect fails to compile on PS4 with 4.19. You just need to add:

#include "Engine/World.h"

to SceneProviderCommand.h because the AddActor function template uses FActorSpawnParameters.

Hello. wondering if You can make a tutorial on using city builder with larger buildings and putting together city scenes vs residential. would love to do this in Dungeon Architect vs level streaming. You sent me a message in October saying You were going to put one up for me. Still waiting patiently. Thanks for the plugin and excellent work! Would love to have Dungeon levels streaming vs the ones Iā€™m building. Such a brilliant plugin cant wait to really use it like I want.

something like this? https://.youtube.com/watch?v=ElsH8E5-9DM
each building varies by floors and could ahve diferent interior and materials, however i put this in 1h tops. :wink:

I being working with your Snap Map builder and have an issue in editor when rotating the (actor/connector) through the UI input fields. If you rotate using toolbar all is good but if you input a Z rotation and child components disappear. I have a similar issue if you do an undo action. Have you seen thing behavior?

Issue is this is missing call to Super::PostEditChangeProperty in SnapMapConnectionActor.cpp

void ASnapMapConnectionActor::PostEditChangeProperty(struct FPropertyChangedEvent& e) {
FName PropertyName = (e.Property != NULL) ? e.Property->GetFName() : NAME_None;
if (PropertyName == GET_MEMBER_NAME_CHECKED(ASnapMapConnectionActor, ConnectionComponent)) {

it should be

void ASnapMapConnectionActor::PostEditChangeProperty(struct FPropertyChangedEvent& e) {
FName PropertyName = (e.Property != NULL) ? e.Property->GetFName() : NAME_None;
if (PropertyName == GET_MEMBER_NAME_CHECKED(ASnapMapConnectionActor, ConnectionComponent)) {

Wow that is really nice! Can you post a tutorial?

  • Are the interior walls ā€œbakedā€ into the building mesh stories/ floors?
  • How are you resolving putting roofs on buildings for different heights?
  1. No they are markers hat can random items. meshes can have simulated physx.
  2. i have implemented something like this - for each block i pick a random base. each base has a random change to be a 2-3-4 story building. base on the result it will add floors, and always end up with a roof. because each floor and roof are added as relative location agains the previous market i can reuse markers like ā€œroof Aā€ roof B" ā€œroof Cā€
    in this demo i used only 1 pack from marketplace: ā€œPost Apocalyptic Worldā€ from polypixel. nice LOD and good performance.
  3. yes i can do a tutorial or a walkthru how i made it. I also plan to do a game series tutorial demo for a multiplayer zombie plague simulation :wink: and use random generated city blocks for that.

From all the features you plugin offers, this one interests me the most, especially ā€˜Level map basedā€™. For clarifications, by ā€˜Level map basedā€™, do you mean there is a Persistent map where other, actual levels (not BP actors), are streamed in? Would that work with multiplayer? And lastly, is there any progress on that front? Sorry to bother you with so many questions, but i would really like to use that feature. Especially if it works in multiplayer.

The city builder is very powerful, it is just a few (albeit difficult to implement) features short of creating convincing cities

1- Neighborhoods- if there was a way to define a neighborhood theme clumps (residential vs high rise vs commercial vs rural (ā€œcentral parkā€) in believable groupings)
2- Elevation: There is really no way to do hills, ramps with the roads; only flat cities
3- River/Canals: there is no way to really do this where they can play nicely with street, bridges
4- Overpass, highway, train tracks: while this can be a mirror of road below it, no way to make this go in directions that cut into buildings, etc Railroad tracks could follow a similar rule set
5- Corner buildings - users could make things with 2 fronts, or rounded buildings, etc

6- Street width per neighborhood (downtown wide streets going into normal streets, a transition piece)
7- Diagonals streets- make it seem more convincing. Admittedly this sounds very difficult to manage

Bonus Bonus:
8- If this could tie into using a procedural building system w/ interiors. This is somewhat possible now to use existing rules, but would be nice if it was a bit easier or separate. This could be simple (just easier managing floors and interior props ) or something more complex like what you have elsewhere

If you could make this more robust, you could sell a ā€œCity Architectā€ separately from Dungeon Architect, this would be a pretty big high demand system, even for non-gaming applications (VR simulations, AI simulations, autonomous car simulations) . Neither Unity or Unreal has anything like this

BUG: Larger buildings than grid (bigger building probability) doesnā€™t always face the road correctly

Hello very nice plugin. Unreal Engine Marketplace - Dungeon Architect
I want to ask you about this add-on.
Can you tell me if it is included in the map FPS template which is visible in the video.
And if it is not included can you tell me or give a link to it.
I apologize for my bad English.

is how that was made
GitHub - coderespawn/dungeon-architect-ue4-demo-dm

Hi, I know how the maps was made. Iā€™m interested in which plugin he used for FPS.
And in other demos I have seen him the same but I can not find it in the store.

from that page: ā€œInstall Epic ShooterGame project from Launcherā€™s Learn tabā€

Can not be. :smiley:
Thank you so much!

Hi !
very cool and powerful plugin:D
but i just start using ue4 for couple of months
and iā€™m wondering is there any way for selecting one specific room by select logic?
Cuz i want to generate several types of rooms with different themes such as a room full of monsters and a room full of traps at runtime
i know i could use themeoverride during designtime but i dunno how to do that at runtime.
Iā€™ve tried a few ways to keep room cell separating by types but theyā€™ve all got just mixed up and i cant figure out any other methods.
i know there must be a way for this but maybe im not very familiar with those nodes so im a little bit desperate.:frowning:
PLZ reply me if u see this!! Its very important to me
thx for million times!!:smiley:


referring to the great ā€œCity Builderā€ Demo, are there some news on this Demo and the whole Project?
If so please do let me know.
That would be very great for me and the project I do work on.

Thank You for creating and working on the Dungeon Architect.

Best regards,

I hope I do not get in trouble for this, but weā€™re struggling to find a single Level Designer using Dungeon Architect in their Workflow to join us in developing our FTPS. Dungeon Architect is so powerful. For the life of me, I cannot understand why every Level Designer is not using it in their workflow in some form or fashion. Iā€™ve been studying Level Design at the World of Level Design, when possible as busy with implementing Network Replication, AI, Customization/Construction, Weapons Mechanics, Creature Design and a host of other features in our game. Its overwhelming to say the least. So if any DA Level Designers read this message and have to spare time to work with us, please stop by our discordand let us know. Thanks for reading.

Yeah, this tool is amazing, but for some reason I personally didnā€™t see any designer willing to learn it yet.
In game development weā€™re often control freaks and donā€™t want things randomly generated instead of handcrafting everything I guess ^^

Not really (or not necessarily). I think DA can be somewhat cumbersome and it needs more tutorials. Maybe thatā€™s why not whole a lot of people use it.