Drop Widget in c++ without expecting a drop receiver


I’m trying to do a draggable panel in C++. Im using the UDragDropOperation and the DetectDrag interface. It works well but the problem comes when I try to drop the panel. It only works if the drop is beign detected by another widget, but I want just to detect the drop anywhere (or just the mouse up) and let t he panel/widget stay in the place where I drop .

Maybe I’m missunderstanding the whole dragdrop operation, but it also looks like it’s duplicating the original widget when dragging so I remove it from viewport when I start dragging…

Any light to this would be helpful!

Widget system might be a bit buggy sometimes. I couldn’t even get the drag and drop operation working as I wanted it to work. In your situation I’d try to create a widget like a ‘background’ - an invisible button or something similar. Maybe it helps while reacting on dropping

That’s discouraging… Yes, I was trying to avoid using other widgets to detect the drop. I just want to know that a widget is being dragged and when it self stops being dragged, without being “dropped” into something else.