Drawing in a Texture in Realtime ?

I am looking for a way to paint into a texture at runtime and use this texture in a material.
I have been searching for quite some time now on how to do that with blueprint but apparently it’s not possible.

I found this page on the wiki A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Unreal Engine Forums ,that require some programming, but i cannot get it to work.
The sample is incomplete and require some knowledge of c++ and the complete exemple is referencing code that is unavailable.

Anyone could point me out to a good tutorial, or get some very basic project working with the sample ?

thank you very much

bumping this up in hopê that someone sees it

Paint into a texture or paint onto textured mesh with complex UV? Second case I’d prefer much more. You’ve found good solution for first case.

Sadly, the second one :slight_smile:

Sadly, the second one :slight_smile: