Drawing debug lines to persona viewport from AnimNode

#Initialize(const FAnimationInitializeContext & Context)

UWorld * TheWorld = Context.AnimInstance->GetWorld();

I found a way to access the world context just fine in my Turn in Place Animation node, I have not fully updated it to UE4 though, but this is what worked in the Beta!

#Entire Source Code
Full code here:


void FAnimNode_VictoryTurnInPlace::Initialize(const FAnimationInitializeContext & Context) 
	//Init the Inputs
	//Get the Actor Owner
	OwningActor = Context.AnimInstance-> GetSkelMeshComponent()->GetOwner(); 
	//Editor or Game?
	UWorld * TheWorld = Context.AnimInstance->GetWorld();
	if (!TheWorld) return;
	WorldIsGame = (TheWorld->WorldType == EWorldType::Game);