Hi all,I would like to draw a dynamic texture 2D at dynamic mesh. I only can draw with a linear colour but don´t work with a texture. The function needs a type FMaterialRenderProxy* and don´t find any method which can do that.
Here is part of my code:
UTexture2D* pattern = BME->GetPatternFracture(); //Texture selected
FDynamicColoredMaterialRenderProxy* SelectedColorInstance = new FDynamicColoredMaterialRenderProxy(GEngine->GeomMaterial->GetRenderProxy(false), FColor(255, 0, 0, 128)); //Dynamic Material with colour
FDynamicMeshBuilder *meshbuilder=new FDynamicMeshBuilder(); //Create dynamic mesh
… //Vertex and triangles creation
meshbuilder->Draw(PDI, FMatrix::Identity, SelectedColorInstance, 0,true); //Draw the dynamic mesh