Dramatic FPS drop when using preset lights

hi there!

I have a quick performance-related question:
I got a fairly simple scene with a few basic pointlights placed around it. just for a quick test I imported two of the yellow lights that come with UE4 by default and noticed a dramatic drop in framerate.
Normally when you add a light you got a little red prompt when you hit ‘play’ saying that you need to rebuild the lighting.
When I imported the standard content lights (the ones with the yellow glass) I didnt get that message, but instead the framerate dropped from like 60-90fps to like 20-24fps.
can anybody explain to me why that would happen?
the lights look pretty cool, but obviously they’re not really usably if only 2 of them cause such a huge performance loss.

thank you very much!

Are those lights movable or stationary? You may see fps drops if you have too many lights intersecting.

hey jacky,

they’re actually in separate rooms in the 3D scene, but maybe their radii for calculations are intersecting. I haven’t actually checked.
the thing that really surprised me is the massive performance drop with only 2 extra lights. even if they are dynamic :open_mouth:

Only 2 lights shouldnt cause noticable fps drop so there may be something else you are missing. Post a couple of screenshots if you can and we’ll see if there is anything wrong in the scene.

cool, thanks :slight_smile:
will do when I’m home from work.


hi again!
What exactly would you like me to show you? :slight_smile:

you know, even after I deleted the lights out of the scene I still just start with around 30fps and then slowly it goes up to something like 60fps after I took a first walk around. I’m not sure what changed in my scene. ;/ used to be all the way up to 90.
I’m running on a 780Ti and a i7-4930k; surely that should be way faster than 30fps, shouldn’t it?
If you had to check for things that might slow your scene down, where would you start?
I got 6 lights in the scene now, 4 stationary, 2 static and that’s all right now. my lightmaps aren’t particularly large either, the largest is 256.

thanks a lot in advance!

Does any of the meshes in the scene have any expensive materials? Do you have decals in the level at all? Landscape? Foliage? Post a screenshot of the whole level and let us know about anything you’ve changed in post process and world settings.

Do you have any foliage in your scene? From the top of my head this could be the only thing causing such a dramatic performance drop… When adding dynamic lights, be sure to deactivate “use dynamic lighting” checkbox in your foliage’s instance settings.

hi again guys!

there’s really nothing fancy in this scene at all.
there’ only one material applied to everything, except the hallway wooden floor; everything else is just in white stucco wallpaint material. there’s no heavy geo, no giant textures. really confusing :slight_smile:

the screenshot below is actually a render from modo (because I don’t have access to UE right now), however, I hid everything that I haven’t exported to unreal yet, so what you see in the render is what I have in the level at present.
as you can see it’s all really simple geo.
what sort of framerates would you expect to see with a 780ti and a simple setup like this? :open_mouth:
is there a way to check if the fps are capped somewhere?
not sure that makes sense, though, since it used to run at 60-90 fps with everything on the highest settings.

thanks a lot! :slight_smile:


hey guys :slight_smile:

I just downloaded the latest launcher and I have no idea what happened, but now the scene runs with 120fps lol.
well… thanks anyways!
