Dramatic Drop in Statistics: From 500 to 0.

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What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



Hello. I’ve created what I believe is a really good game in UEFN (FLY MASTER). The objective of the game is to fly a plane through 100 sectors without crashing. Various interesting obstacles appear along the way.
However, a very unpleasant and dramatic situation occurred for me. On the first day, the game attracted 500 players, which delighted and surprised me. My first game, released six months prior, hardly received any players at all.

Unfortunately, after the first playtest of the released game, I discovered a severe bug: I forgot to set the island to 1 max player instead of 16 in the settings. Since it’s a solo game, the presence of connecting players immediately broke the algorithm, rendering the game completely unplayable. I quickly fixed this bug and submitted it for approval. However, not wanting people to experience the game with this terrible bug, I decided to unlist the game, and it seems to have been my fatal mistake.

The corrected game was approved by moderation approximately an hour later. However, two days have passed since then, and there were virtually no players. Instead of 500 players per day, there were only 1-2.

I dedicated five months of full-time work to this game, developing a fairly complex system. I learned Verse from scratch, actively applied Python and Blender to create levels, and all the objects in the game were created entirely from scratch by me, with the exception of a 5-second music clip at the end (trumpets for the winner).

I have many original ideas for creating new games in UEFN. I am satisfied with how UEFN is developing and am willing to dedicate the coming years to developing games in UEFN. But to achieve this, I need to ensure that this game FLY MASTER (3428-1040-1957) at least partially pays off and gains the popularity it deserves, in my opinion.

I want to ask for your help and advice. How can I rectify the situation? Is it possible to somehow restore the organic growth dynamic that was present before the delisting? If Epic Games employees read this, please help me rectify this situation.


Steps to Reproduce

Not sure, but it might be necessary to move the game to unlisted a few hours after publication.

Expected Result

I expected that after I move the game to listed, it would reappear in some catalogs, players would see my new game, and they would play it as they did in the first few hours.

Observed Result

500 players on the first day and 1-2 after.



Island Code


Additional Notes

I’m not entirely sure if it’s a bug; perhaps I did something wrong. This is my first serious game that I’m publishing here. It also surprised me a bit that changing the game settings in UEFN altered the island code. Does it mean that after each update, the island code will change, and I’ll have to update it in all promotional materials as well? Or am I doing something wrong?

Please help me understand all of this; I really want my game to become popular, and I want to continue creating new and exciting games for Fortnite! Thank you.