Drag select rather than clicking everything individually?

Try Alt + Drag.


Just wondering where option is to drag select verts/faces rather than clicking every single one individually. It was working when I first opened UE4 but option seems to have been disabled.


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Doesn’t seem to be working. That just pans camera around wherever I’m clicking.

Are you sure alt + left mouse button drag doesnt work on orthographic views? It doesn’t work in perspective view but it should in top, side and front.

Hey ,

Currently marquee selection in perspective view does not work. We are working to re-implement its functionality. For now, only way to drag-select is in orthographic viewports. Make sure Actor is already selected, then LMB drag over vertices you want to select those. This will only work for vertices at moment, not faces or edges.

Hope that helps!

I didn’t even think to try other viewports. It’s not bother now that I know that though. Makes it a lot easier as it’s lined up properly compared to perspective view.


Yeah I didn’t even think of using other views. Rookie mistake. I’ve sorted it now though.


Yes ! I would love to have drag select in perspective viewport. Makes blocking out so much faster rather than switching between different viewports all time.

Very much looking forward to marquee selection in perspective view!

As of 4.5.1 they added it in Perspective view. Its Ctrl + Alt + Left Mouse Button. You can drag out a square to select objects in scene.


Does anyone know if this can be made as default? As in using regular left click would just drag out a selection instead of rotating camera. Having selection as default is standard in Autodesk Maya and it would be nice to have a consistency in Unreal Editor for this part.

Thank you

thanks thesilverlining…thumbs up
just like to point out that when you Ctrl + Alt + Left Mouse Button around your objects, just make sure you did not click on skybox…if u did just Ctrl click skybox to de-select it from your group


It would be more usefull if you could select visible elements or invisible. I select ton’s of geometry to move and stuff that are hidden behind other stuff are of course not selected.


Does anyone know how to marquee de-select? It used to be ctrl+alt+rmb+drag.

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So in Perspective View we can use Drag select with Ctrl + Alt + Left Mouse Button to select objects in scene.
But then what shortcut is for substract some objects out from that selection?
Also why is not a standard selection tool in UE4? like in any 3d software, (in Maya and 3dsMax is Q- shortcut) But in UE4 they thought they were smarter and didn’t put a button for selection, but this causes a lot of problems and confusion, like using marquee selection with Ctrl + Alt + Left Mouse Button and most of time it doesn’t work, and to make things going even worse countless times, in fact you realize that you are actually moving all selected objects. So this is result of these smart ■■■ at UE4 interface designers minds, to make 30% inaccurate and slowing workflow in UE4.
How long will it take you to make a button for this? 2 years from now? or in wich version of UE4 should we wait to laugh at you for adding this awesome and very useful button?


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But this is just a way to drag select, no? I think people were if there’s a way to drag to subtract from a selection?

Whyis there not an option to marquee selection inside, otherwise it selects a lot of other objects that I have to unselect to get what I want


OMG!!! Never thought to ask the question before!! I feel such an eedjit!
Life just got so much easier!!