I created a class derived from ULyraCharacterMovementComponent and defined collision channels to be detected, as shown below:
#define TraceChannel_Left ECC_GameTraceChannel6
#define TraceChannel_Right ECC_GameTraceChannel7
Within my plugin, I have an .ini file similar to ShooterCoreTags.ini. When it comes to defining tags, everything works perfectly. However, when trying to make CollisionProfile definitions, as shown below, it doesn’t work:
The Channel Responses only work if I add them to the DefaultEngine.ini file of the project. If I’m creating a project for myself or my team, everything is fine because I know how to resolve it. The issue arises when I want to create a Lyra-based plugin to publish on the Marketplace, as some functionalities would only be accessible to those who can program in C++. Is there a correct way to declare Channel Responses only for plugins? Could this be an Engine bug?