I make a emitter spawn particle and add velocity so it can move.
then i need more emitter, make effect look nice.
all emitter only spawn one particle and follow the first emitter, but seems not easy to do that…
when i want to do it, The first way which i know.
1, Generate Location Event in Main Emitter.
2, Check Require Persis ID.
3, Add Event Handler in another Emitter, And choose location event…
4, Add Receive Location Event.
i did the all, but not work, i want to only spawn one particle and follow the other. seems by default, generate location event let you make trail.
i don’t want to make a trail, i need to 2 particle move together.
i know i can use same move node, just copy them, they will move together, but so stupid.
also i tried use user parameter , but seems i can’t set user parameter in emitter.
so anyway can do it?
I think Hlsl handles the particles per emitter. Because it’s easier to optimize the processing in this way. So I don’t really recommend that approach you mentioned if using a large number of particles as a whole.
I suspect It’s rather easier to use one emitter having multiple particles because it has no complex interaction between particle variables. Do you have any reason you don’t want to do so?
In that case, you may use Particle Attribute Reader(PAR), which can access other emitter’s information during runtime. For example, there’s a way to make a tree of emitter instances connected by PAR where each emitter is independently updated by a scratch pad module.
I’m not sure if it can be done in practice. So just for your reference.