Doors for VR

I am trying to find a good way to do doors in VR, However I am in the beginning state of programming and can’t really figure it out myself. I have been looking around for tutorials or just a place to buy them but I can’t really find either. The only thing I found was on the epic market but it is for a previous version and the auther is advicing people not to buy it till its updated.

Preferable I want something like doors in half life alex, Are there any resources that I have maybe missed or other location where assets for unreal engine exist? or some tutorials that show how to make a door like this.

Unfortunately, I haven’t seen any Unreal specific assets or tutorials. Doors in VR are tricky to do well.

There is a talk about the doors in Alyx from the developer who programmed them. It doesn’t go much into implementation details, but has a lot of good point about the general design.

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What type of door?


like the second video , Probably 1 door and double door options

Perhaps this might help: Locked Door in Virtual Reality - Unreal Engine VR Tutorial - YouTube

Try the example template project for the vr expansion plugin
it has a normal door you can open by the handle in a BP.

Doors are highly overrated.