DoesPackageExist Warning flooding output log in PIE

This did it for me (UE 5.2.1), thanks my guy. I recommend trying this one out before deleting anything.

Same issue I am following a udemy course on learning how to code in Unreal in C++ it only happens when implementing a ulog(logtemp, display, TEXT()); . In other words a UElog.

This line of code in your source build is used to display a message in the Output log in the bottom of the engine. From what I am seeing in this thread is that it is due to using a newer version of unreal engine and trying to use a ulog. The instructor in my course is using unreal engine 5.0 launch with a ue4 snippets extension that may or may not be updated to the newest versions of unreal engine C++. So I would search your source code for ulogs and maybe rewove them. I will post an update once I hear back from my instructor.

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