DoesPackageExist Warning flooding output log in PIE

Output log: LogClass: Warning: Property ArrayProperty UPresetSettingsProperties::ActivePresetCollectionsPaths defines MetaData key “MetaClass” which contains short type name “InteractiveToolsPresetCollectionAsset”. Suggested pathname: “/Script/PresetAsset.InteractiveToolsPresetCollectionAsset”. Module:ModelingToolsEditorMode File:Public/ModelingToolsEditorModeToolkit.h
LogAutomationTest: Warning: LogClass: Property ArrayProperty UPresetSettingsProperties::ActivePresetCollectionsPaths defines MetaData key “MetaClass” which contains short type name “InteractiveToolsPresetCollectionAsset”. Suggested pathname: “/Script/PresetAsset.InteractiveToolsPresetCollectionAsset”. Module:ModelingToolsEditorMode File:Public/ModelingToolsEditorModeToolkit.h
LogPackageName: Warning: DoesPackageExist called on PackageName that will always return false. Reason: Input ‘’ was empty.
LogPackageName: Warning: DoesPackageExist called on PackageName that will always return false. Reason: Input ‘’ was empty.

Still having the same issue in 5.2.1. I was really excited to use this engine version as my developmental build but looks I will have to wait again.

It’s the “Unsaved” category in the “Outliner.” Just right click the asterisk in the outliner bar and uncheck “Unsaved.” That will make the “Unsaved” category go away and fix the issue. I think it’s a new widget category that has a bug.


my folders are a mess because im using c and d drive but i deleted all the app data ue folders and it seemed to of worked.

LogPackageName: Warning: DoesPackageExist called on PackageName that will always return false. Reason: Input '' was empty.

I deleted everything inside of the AppData\Local\UnrealEngine directory (50 GB), rebooted, and rebuilt my project. No change.

Yep, Im getting same warning no matter what I tried :frowning:

it works for me , thank you so much!


Truly amazing! Ty you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much! =)

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Thank you for this. Driving me crazy.

This also worked for me when the other solution didn’t. Unchecked “Unsaved”, restarted project and it was gone. Thank you!

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you are my god

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Apparently you only have to uncheck the Unsaved option from the outliner and restart the engine. Here’s a video by Chouette Du Désert that show how to do it Unreal Engine 5 : Fix LogPackageName: Warning in output log - YouTube


Yeah, fixed for me (UE5.2.1 src)

So do I delete the Unreal Engine folder in my appdata both Appdata/local + Appdata/Roaming?
And do I delete the unreal folder or keep the folder and delete all content inside them?

Hi Team, after deleting the AppData folder not changing anything, I was able to right click the asterisk next to the visibility eye in the outliner, then unchecking unsaved, the message is now gone.


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Unchecking “unsaved” in the Outliner worked for me as well…until I restarted the project so only a temporary fix and not sure if it gets to what is causeing the bug

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Yup this is the only thing that worked for me. Didn’t even know that menu existed in the outliner. FINALLY this annoyance is gone :slight_smile:

This worked for me, I had to restart the engine for it to take effect

After deleting all the folders inside AppData\Local\UnrealEngine, the log message did not appear.

what is a ddc folder

For anyone on Linux : deleting the ‘UnrealEngine’ folder at location /home/.config/Epic/ did the trick for me (UE5.2.1).