DoesPackageExist Warning flooding output log in PIE

I’m using a compiled version of the editor from the 5.0 branch on github, I’ve got a world with world partition enabled and I added a 4km landscape. Everytime I play in editor I get a flood of this:

LogPackageName: Warning: DoesPackageExist called on PackageName that will always return false. Reason: Input ‘/Memory/UEDPIE_0_WorldMap_MainGrid_L5_X0_Y0_DL0’ is in a memory-only mount point.

Is this a bug or do I have something set up wrong?

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Exactly the same bug, been trying to fix last 3 days.

Same problem here, using World Partition w/ UE5 preview 2

Anyone find a solution to this?

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I am having the same issue.

The warning happens when I try to load a level by name.
It is followed by this log

LogLevel: Warning: WARNING: The map ‘/Memory/UEDPIE_0_MainGrid_L0_X-1_Y-1_DL0’ does not exist.

And later…

LogNet: Warning: Travel Failure: [ClientTravelFailure]: Failed to load package ‘/Memory/MainGrid_L0_X-1_Y-1_DL0’

I also notice that if I try again to load the level by name a second time after the failure it will actually work. Then if I try again it will fail again, etc…

This is the code I am running in the Game Instance
but it only works half the times.

I tried with delays, setting it as a variable, manual input, with and without game paused.
I think it’s connected to World Partition somehow, as if it were looking for the map in the wrong folder.

Any ideas?

EDIT: I noticed that in a packaged game, this does not happen. For now I put a horrible band-aid solution where it loads the map again if it failed to load the first time…

Not the same, but close. UE 5.2 Has anyone found a solution?

LogPackageName: Warning: DoesPackageExist called on PackageName that will always return false. Reason: Input ‘’ was empty.


Same here, 5.2, a wall of:

LogPackageName: Warning: DoesPackageExist called on PackageName that will always return false. Reason: Input ‘’ was empty.

as the game starts (after begin play apparently).

Even with a completely blank project, empty level, no world partition.

I’ve also noticed that in any populated project (brand new template or converted old project) the warning also appears while scrolling the outliner.


Getting the exact same thing. Has anyone reported this as a bug?

Same here. 5.2. I also originally thought it may be associated with the Starter Content, but when creating a blank project and unchecking the starter content, the warning also continues to appear in the output log.

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also getting this in 5.2, I don’t know if it’s a new thing as I’ve not been using unreal long but it’s constantly coming up. I wonder if it’s because I’ve deleted something that still being referenced somewhere. I don’t know what though.

So I cracked out on the engine code and was able to track down the actual cause of the error. It ended up being a caching system error trying to point to a reference from the old engine cache that was now invalid. I was able to fully fix the issue by clearing/deleting the project build/temp data not only in the project folder, but also in the AppData/Local folder. After that I rebuilt the project files and the error does not happen anymore in any system. If after doing any of this you get crashes just validate the assets in the Asset Actions menu and they will stop.


Thank you, I managed to also solve this warning flooding log in PIE after clearing my UnrealEngine folder in AppData. I also clear my DDC folder, but not sure if it’s also helps or not.


Worked for me too. I just deleted the content of UnrelEngine folder in AppData. No need to do any other cleanup.


Thank you very much.

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Sadly, doesn’t seem to work here.

  • Fresh Source Build of 5.2

  • Seeing it on 5.1 and 5.2 projects inside 5.2.

  • Tried on new blank and third person template

  • Deleted all possible DDC and UE folders in local and roaming.

Not that its bothering me, but I am not sure if it could break anything.

I agree with him, I even did clean uninstall and reinstall of the whole engine with cleaning all the data + projects and everything related to unreal, i left no trace to it.

Yet, it keeps spamming me with the same error
“LogPackageName: Warning: DoesPackageExist called on PackageName that will always return false. Reason: Input ‘’ was empty.”

The other 2 things that I have seen work from 2 other people are removing plugins for the project and all player starts and then re-adding them after hitting play without them there. Not sure why the player start worked, but for the plugins, they can have their own caches inside their folder structures that need to be cleared.

Oh this is also possible, as I did clear my Intermediate and Binaries folder in my project plugins folder. As they refused to rebuild them in Visual Studio before I did that. And I tried to open my project without plugins as well before that.

So maybe it has something to do with plugins too.

This worked for me as well, No need to do anything else.

Some kind of mystic! Completely deleted Unreal, deleted all residual folders, all temporary folders, cleared the registry, reboot the system, installed everything completely from scratch, opened a clean starter project … and it’s all useless. Again spam “LogPackageName: Warning: DoesPackageExist called on PackageName that will always return false. Reason: Input ‘’ was empty.” Sadly

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