5.2.1 same issues (LogPackageName: Warning)

Output Log: LogClass: Warning: Property ArrayProperty UPresetSettingsProperties::ActivePresetCollectionsPaths defines MetaData key “MetaClass” which contains short type name “InteractiveToolsPresetCollectionAsset”. Suggested pathname: “/Script/PresetAsset.InteractiveToolsPresetCollectionAsset”. Module:ModelingToolsEditorMode File:Public/ModelingToolsEditorModeToolkit.h
LogAutomationTest: Warning: LogClass: Property ArrayProperty UPresetSettingsProperties::ActivePresetCollectionsPaths defines MetaData key “MetaClass” which contains short type name “InteractiveToolsPresetCollectionAsset”. Suggested pathname: “/Script/PresetAsset.InteractiveToolsPresetCollectionAsset”. Module:ModelingToolsEditorMode File:Public/ModelingToolsEditorModeToolkit.h
LogPackageName: Warning: DoesPackageExist called on PackageName that will always return false. Reason: Input ‘’ was empty.
LogPackageName: Warning: DoesPackageExist called on PackageName that will always return false. Reason: Input ‘’ was empty.

The first warning is due to experimental plugins being enabled, ie the modeling tools editor plugin. Not sure why this is not left out of experimental plugins or not enable the plugin at all. The rest of the warnings, nobody has been able to figure out, so one not so big of a problem and the other is a problem. Epic please stop adding features until you fix what you have.

Update for anyone having this issue: To resolve this warning, just right click the asterisk in the outliner bar and uncheck “Unsaved.” That will make the “Unsaved” category go away and fix the issue. I hate having unknown errors in my output log, so I hope someone finds this helpful. Credit to @Popomart


EDIT: Unchecking that tag “Unsaved” saving the project and restart removed all of the 100’s of warnings…

Still it would be nice to know what the issue originates from and how to resolve it properly… I don’t like to ignore things, and unchecking a filter tag just give me that feeling of “ignoring” and this is going to bug the h*ll out of me until i know what it is…

So any dev’s that could shed some light on it would be nice

I’m running a stock 5.2.1 engine freshly installed with all symbols for C++ and started a fresh TPS project ( c++ ) but no changes to it, just running the project

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Did you ever find a fix for this? I have the same issue.

in my case disabling “revision control” in the outliner helped.

Right click on the table header