Does UE4 Convert to Tris at Render or Import?

Hi all,

I just had a quick question regarding skeletal mesh rendering in UE4. So I know that it’s commonplace to work with quads when designing organic models, but I’m a perfectionist and I want the character I’m designing to be as optimized as possible.

My question is: Does UE4 convert quads in skeletal meshes into triangles at runtime or on import? Would it make sense to use quads in areas that get pushed and stretched as to allow the engine to choose which way it splits the triangle when the mesh is being animated?

Thank you for taking the time to read and respond.

  • Ross Y

Yes, I believe the engine converts skeletal meshes to tri’s on import. I have had problems in the past where in my modelling program I would have a quad on a skeletal mesh and on import it would split it in half and one half would be invisible as if it didn’t fill what it needed to fill, so I had to manually turn that one quad into a tri.

In my opinion, it would be most time-efficient to only turn something into a tri manually if you see that its not behaving the way you want once it comes into the engine.
I have also never witnessed any strange deformities in my triangulated meshes so if you don’t notice it I wouldn’t really be too worried because someone playing the game won’t notice it either.

I believe blender has a modifier to turn you model into tri’s. Check it out: mesh - How to make all polygons into triangles - Blender Stack Exchange

As you can see the UE4 version has triangulated my mesh on its own. The wireframe is in UE4.
