Does the UNREAL ENGINE, which ready-made solutions for quick creation of water?

I tried CRYENGINE. I liked the pre-installed endless water of the ocean.

After I tried the UNREAL ENGINE. I was really crying. What UNREAL SDK need a few days to work to create water and even to configure it.

Does the UNREAL ENGINE, which ready-made solutions for quick creation of water?

There are a few assets for water, check out youtube, there are some videos that will show how to make a water materiel.

There are also water material assets the Epic has made available as well, Take a look under “Learn” in the launcher, and you will see a project there called “water planes”, get it.

As to “ready made”, waiting for you to drag and drop in? No, you will have to do something, either download a asset such as “water planes” or use some youtube videos that will show you how to create a material.


Big thank you for reply!

I will search it tomorrow “in the launcher, and you will see a project there called “water planes”, get it.

This in in Launcher program? This is free starter content or this is in marketplace?

Sorry for being so slow to respond. Went out for some chips and a coke! lol

Yes, it’s free content. When you bring up the UE4 launcher, over on the left hand side, there is a label, “Learn” click it, and scroll down a little bit,there you will see the project “Water Planes”, just download it, and then add it to a project. It’s not a project in and of itself, you will need to add it to an existing project.

But don’t forget the other resources at youtube, and of course Epic Games own Twitch broadcasts, that are on Thursdays.


Big thank you!

You are very help me!

More than welcome, and enjoy building your game!


Yes, this valuable information. Thank you.